The suprise ending....

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A couple of months later:

I woke up and ran to the bathroom. Fell to my knees at the toilet bowl and began to throw up. Somethings not right. I go to the medicine cabinet and pull out a pregnancy test. While waiting for the result I woke Andrew up and explained what was happening.

Finally the results came in. I look down at the stick and there it reads, the two blue lines. I look at the test and then at Andrew with a mixture of emotions on my face. Both happiness and nervousness flashed over my face.

Y/N: Andrew... I'm pregnant...

Waiting for his response I didn't know whether to smile or be worried so I stood there trying to keep all my emotions in. When suddenly his arms wrapped around me embracing me in a hug.

Andrew: This is the happiest day of my life! (We pull back and I see tears filling his eyes.)

Y/N: Mine too! (I place my hand on the back on his neck while his are on my face)

Andrew: we have to tell the group. I'm honestly so excited!

———— time skip to Shane's —————
Andrew and I gather everyone in the living room and stand in front of them all. Andrew holds my hand and I look at our hands and then at him.

Y/N: So we have something to tell you guys.....

Andrew & Y/N: We're having a baby!

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now