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"Hey guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel." I said to my camera. I was currently in my bedroom, I was filming a video with my boyfriend Colby.

"As you can see I'm not alone. I am joined by my boyfriend Colby Brock" I smiled at him as he said hi to the camera.

"Today, after weeks of persuading, I finally got Colby to agree with me that I should do his make up." I laughed

"She isn't lying when she said weeks." He told the camera. I grabbed hold of my make-up bag from the side of Colby and shook the bag in front of his face. I was smiling like a goof and jumped down next to him.

"I hate you." He laughed

"Nah, you love me." you said

"Fine, maybe I do." He said rolling his eyes and hugging my side

"Okay, while we do this we are also going to be answering some of your questions." I said as I passed Colby my phone. 

"Colby look at me please." I said as I held the foundation up to start putting this on his face.

"Y/n, I really don't like the feeling of this on my face." He whined as I pushed his hair from his forehead. 

"I will let you take it off as soon as I'm done." I said as I began blending the foundation.

"Okay fine." He said giving up

"You want to read the questions while I do this?" I asked him

"Of course, my darling" he said in a funny voice. "The first question is, out of all the roommates who you would kill, kiss and marry." Colby read

"Um, I think I would kill my brother, Elton." I said. Colby laughed. I wouldn't actually, Elton is my brother and I love him a lot. "Kiss Devyn and marry...Buddy." I laughed.

"Really?" Colby asked as I giggled

"No of course not, I wouldn't marry a dog. I would marry Sam." I said winding Colby up on purpose.

"Is that right?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yep." I said popping the P

"I don't think your boyfriend will allow that." Colby smiled, knowing already I will have to edit this video a lot to not expose the fact Colby is a massive flirt all the time. 

"No?" I smiled

"Defiantly not." He said getting closer to my face

"Then looks like I'll have to marry him them." I sighed rolling my eyes. 

"Guess so." He said as he kissed my cheek

"What about you?" I asked

"Kill Corey, because he poops everywhere." He joked. "Kiss Samuel because we do that anyway, what who said that?" he joked "And marry my girlfriend." He smiled. I poked him on the cheek with the concealer as he smiled.

One I finished the concealer Colby then asked another question.

"How did you guys meet?" He asked

"You want to explain as you know it was your fault." I laughed as I carried on with powdering his face.

He the coughed on the about of press powder he was inhaling.

"Don't be such a drama queen" I joked.

"I almost just suffocated." He laughed

I laughed and rolled my eyes

"Okay, so me and y/n met about 4 years ago, we were both 17 and we were both out with our group of friends, Sam and one of her mates knew each other so we decided to meet. Once we met up it was very awkward between us for some reason. It was probably because our best mates were basically best mates too and we had no conversation to have. After about 30 minutes of awkwardness we all decided to go to Sam's house as no one was home. We all made small talk and then I decided I was going to get a drink and invited y/n to come help. When we got in the kitchen I opened the cupboard and.." he began but started laughing. Really hard.

"He hit me with the cupboard door." I finished with a serious face.

"I was so embarrassed and felt really bad." He said laughing "But it did get us into conversation as we both laughed about it. I gave her an ice pack and stayed with her for the rest of the evening. By the end of the night we exchanged numbers and it went on from there. It took me about 18 months to grow the balls and ask her out though." He said

"But if it wasn't for him hitting me in the head, I wouldn't have dated this dork." I laughed.

"And she loves me for it." He said smiling like an idiot at me.

"I do." I smiled

"But I am pretty sure I got brain damage so that might also explain why I date you" I joked as he frowned at the camera.


We went through more and more questions as I carried on doing his make-up. I was on. The last two steps so that meant two more questions.

I began doing his highlighter when the next question was...

"What is it you both like about each other so much?" Colby asked

"I'll answer that first." I spoke up. "I like his sense of humour, his smile, the fact that he is different compared to your common boy. His eyes are my favourite thing because they are bright blue and amazing to look at and the fact that he has this emo side to him that I find very attractive." I smiled as I finished his highlighter.

"I love her looks and the fact that she is hot, but I love her personality more, she's funny and gets what it's like to have a sense of humour, especially when its similar to mine. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her and she can be herself around me, and she's a bit of a bad ass that I find very, very hot." He said as I laughed and blushed. "That is also the cheesiest thing I've ever done on camera." He said as he looked at me

"Last thing." I said looking into his eyes.

"Lipstick. I want red." He said like a diva.

I finished his lips quickly, so he could ask the final question.

"Y/n this is a question just for you" He said smiling.

"Okay?" I said, unsure what was coming

"Will you promise Colby?" he asked smiling at me. I looked at him confused. Not sure if it was just a question or what he meant. I didn't say anything but that's when Colby went down on one knee and opened a small box with a small gold ring shaped like a crown.

"I know what you're thinking, we are too young to get married and I know that. But I want to give you this ring, so you will promise me that one day, when we are older and I'm in this awkward position again that you will say yes, but to an engagement ring. I want to marry you, I want to spend my life with you, but we are too young now. But it will happen." He said. I couldn't help but cry. I was so happy

"Of course, I will Colby Brock. Yes, I promise you." I smiled as he placed the small gold crown on my finger.

He stood up and kissed me. he then pulled back and kissed me all over my face covering me in red lipstick.

"I love you." I said

"I love you more gorgeous." He smiled

"We should probably finish the video." I smiled

"Maybe." He said smirking at me.

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