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It had been 2 hours since I last saw the boys. It was currently 2am. Almost witches hour.

I had been sat here wondering how I was meant to get rid of that woman, she wants something. But what could she want?

I looked online and tried finding a ritual I could do safely on my own, I couldn't find anything.

I sighed to myself, I needed the boys.

I got up and began walking to the room. 

Once I arrived I knocked on the door.

Sam opened the door. 

I walked in to see the floor covered in lollipops.

"Hi" I said awkwardly 

"You okay? Jake asked 

Suddenly Colby walked out the room.

He looked at me, the expression as relief. He began to walk towards me and brought me into a hug.

"I thought something had happened to you, but then I thought I shouldn't call, I didn't know what to do and I am sorry, I love you and I do trust you, Im so so so sorry." he told me.

"I'm sorry too, and I love you." I told him.

"Where were you?" Corey asked

"I was in reception, I was trying to figure something out but I need you guys to help me" I said 

"Anything, we were going to stay here until 3am anyway before doing another ritual." Sam explained

"I need to figure out what this woman wants that's haunting me, she wont leave me alone and I need her gone." I explained 

"What can we do?" Jake asked

"Well, I need to do a ritual, but I need to be alone, I need to figure out what she wants but I can't find anything I can do were I can be alone" 

"I have an idea" Corey said "And you can talk to them on your own, but not be doing the ritual alone" he said 

"Tell me" I asked

"The Ouija board." he said 

"Oh my god, why didn't I think of that." I said 

"But..." Jake said 

"I bought one" Sam said already knowing what he was going to say

"Let's do it." I said 

We set up the Ouija board, we all sat down, we were going to do it together.

We started the ritual before they all looked at me

"Hello, I want to talk to the woman who wont leave me alone, are you here?" I asked 

The board didn't move.

"I know you are here, and you haven't left me since Queen Mary, now please come forward and talk to me." I asked 

The board still didn't move.

"Fuck sake, come forward or I wont help you get what it is you want" I yelled.

The boys looked at me worried as you are meant to annoy the spirits.

Suddenly all are hands went towards yes

"She is here" Colby said 

"Is that you?" I asked


Colby Brock ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now