"Y/N, hurry up, we haven't got all day!" my best friend yelled from the bottom of the stairs
I sighed looking over my outfit one more time before leaving my room.
"Sam, can you chill, I'm coming." I said walking down the stairs.
I shared a house with six other roommates, my best friend Sam, Corey, Devyn, Aaron, Jake and the boy I've had a crush on for years Colby Brock.
Today, Sam, Colby and I were going to go explore an abandoned school that was not far from where we lived.
I made sure to pack everything I needed including my camera heading outside with my bag in my hand before entering Colby's car.
"Evening gorgeous." Colby teased as I got in the back seat of his car
"Hello handsome." I laughed. There had always been a mutual flirty banta between Colby and I, but considering we were both flirty people anyway, it was unclear how much of it he actually meant.
"Ew get a room." Sam fake gagged. Sam was the only person that new about my crush, Sam was basically my brother and we both told each other everything.
We met around 6 years ago, the rest is history.
"Let's go exploring." Colby laughed as he backed out of the driveway and headed to the abandoned school.
It was a 30-minute drive. But it soon passed due to music and conversation. While Colby parked up I decided this was a good time to get my camera out. I had my own channel so usually I went exploring with the roommates or I would do other random stuff.
"What's up guys! How's it going? I hope your all good and doing well. Welcome back to my channel!" I said to my camera, from the corner of my eye I could see Colby staring at me. He smiled to himself before looking out the window.
"Today, I bet as you can all guess by the title, I am back for another exploring video with none other than Sam and Colby." I smiled as the two of them cheered in the background.
"We have spent the last 30-minutes driving here to an abandoned school." I began before I turned the camera to show both of the boys as they began rolling on their own camera as they began to explain the history of the building.
"This was an old school made in the early 2000s but was closed down because they found too many problems with the school, faulty electrics, unstable roof and floors. I was so badly built that it would have been too expensive to rebuild. Anyway, it's been abandoned since then and lots of people recommended this place to us. If you have any more places you want us to check out leave a comment where that is below." Sam explained to the camera
"Also, if you want a different perspective of this place, head over to Sam and Colby's channel, link in the description. I'll see you guys in there." I smiled to the camera as I pressed the button to stop recording and stepping out the car. Being followed by both of the boys.
"You ready?" Colby asked me and Sam as we both nodded.
"As always." I smiled up to him as we all headed towards the school.
It wasn't that hard to get to, only a few stinging nettles here and there.
As we got closer we found our way in. There was a small gap in the window that had been pulled down already. This told us that people had been here before.
"Boost me up." I said to Colby. He didn't even argue he simply lifted me up as I reached up and grabbed the window before pulling myself up and through the window. Sam recording this as a dropped into the building.
One by one the boys made their way in.
"Okay." I began as I pressed the on button for my camera. "We are now inside the school, and this place is insane." I said pointing the camera around the room. The room was empty apart from a few chairs and broken glass.
"Hey guys, so basically we are now inside through this tiny window that Y/N spotted." Colby said to the camera. I took this as a chance to stop recording as it annoys people when they have to hear everything twice, especially as we share the same sort of subscribers. The rest of the exploration was quite easy. Nothing scary or sketchy about this place. Well except the fact that the floors are not strong at all. We made our way upstairs, I finished recording again, for the time being. I don't like to film that much when making a Sam and Colby video, I make videos every two days whereas they only post on their channel every Sunday, so I let them make the longer videos.
"Hey." Colby said walking next to me.
"Hey, this place is amazing right?" I smiled looking around.
"Can I talk to you about something" He said
"Sure" I smiled at him.
"Look, I just want to say that, I like you. A lot and this is the crappiest place to admit that to you, but I suddenly got a confidence boost" He said while rubbing the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his as he laughed avoiding eye contact.
"Is THE Colby Brock nervous?" I teased
"Yeah, he is." He laughed
"Well..." I began while walking forwards, so I was in front of him. Sam was behind Colby, I think he was recording all of this. Typical.
"I'll make you a deal." I smiled. He stopped and looked at me. "I will consider going out on a date with you. If you..." I began but I was stopped by the noise coming from beneath me. It was the sound of wood bending. The floor I was stood on wasn't stable. At all. I could feel the floor about to cave in any second.
"Y/n, don't move." Colby panicked as he stopped in his tracks.
"What do I do?" I asked scared.
"You're going to have to trust me." Colby said
"Don't panic y/n, we are coming." Sam said as he put down the camera, however it was still recording.
"Y/n on the count of three you're going to jump okay, towards me." Colby said as he moved his feet around to find a sturdy place to catch me.
"Jump?" I asked
"You trust me, right?" he asked
"Yeah, always." I breathed out
"Okay. Ready?" he asked me. Sam stood next to Colby. He was ready to help if he had too. I nodded towards the boys, who in reality, looked more scared then me.
"Colby?" I asked
"It's going to be okay." He reassured me.
"Okay." I said looking straight into his bright blue eyes.
"1...2...3!" he yelled as I jumped. Colby caught me close to his body. The floor started to creek before falling.
"Thank you." I said centimetres apart from his face
"So, what was the deal?" he asked
"I, um..." I stuttered
"How about you go on a date with me and ill promise to keep saving you?" he asked as he tilted his head to one side.
"Sounds great." I smiled.
"Good content guys." Sam joked
"Really know how to ruin a moment buddy." Colby laughed
"Ahh, shut up and kiss her already." Sam laughed
"Only if you want to?" Colby asked suddenly going shy
"Shut up and kiss me already." I laughed as I repeated Sam's words. Colby laughed back before closing the small gap between us. His kiss was soft yet passionate. Everything I've wanted for the last 5 years.
We pulled away from each other. I stared into his eyes again. We both smiled at each other before looking at Sam with the camera pointed at us.
"This week's video is going to epic."

Colby Brock Imagines
FanficThis is a book of Colby Brock imagines Requests are welcome and will do as many as I can Hope you enjoy;)