"So guys we are about to have a competition" Elton smiled
"Challenge excepted" Corey said as he stared into the camera with a serious face.
"What's the competition?" I asked
"Well Colby. It's an ice skating competition" Elton answered me
"Okay..." I asked knowing that a twist was on its way
"Here put these on" Elton said grabbing something from his bag and handing one to me, Corey and Sam as well as giving himself one.
"Andrea, Corben and Y/n are you okay to be are judges?" Elton asked
"Yeah" they all said but y/n who just nodded.
You could tell she wasn't really comfortable
"Hey Colby, can I talk to you for a second?" Sam asked me
"Sure" I said as I followed him to a more private area
"So, the girl..." he began
"Yeah?" I asked
"She really only talks to you" Sam pointed out
"Yeah and?" I asked
"How can we trust her?" he asked me
"I don't think we need to, I seriously think she is in serious need of friends and right now if I am her only one she needs people because I feel like she has been on her own for a long time. I don't care if she fucks me over at the end, she needs help right now" I said
"Colby this world does deserve you." Sam told me
"Thank you bro" I smiled
"I will help her as well, ill try and get her trust" he said
"Thank you Sam" I smiled
"I see the way you look at her buddy, you like her. Just be careful." he told me as he left to join the rest
"Come on Colby!" Corben yelled
I walked back and put my red dress on that Elton got me.
"Are we ready for this?" I asked as Sam and I got into position
"Go Colby!" I heard y/n cheer
I smiled as we preformed our routine that we came up with no less than 10 minutes ago.
After our amazing performance there were cheers and 'tears' all around and next up was Elton and Corey.
During their performance I notice y/n had disappeared.
"Hey have you seen y/n?" I asked everyone
"I think she went to the bathroom." Andrea said
"Okay thank you." I said as I walked over to the bathroom.
I knocked on the door but there was no answer so I walked in.
Once I entered I heard sniffs.
She was crying.
I went over to the locked cubical and slid down the door and sat on the floor.
She was also sat on the floor.
"Look, you don't have to tell me anything, I'm just here. Always." I told her
She sniffed again.
"You don't mind if I light a cigarette do u?" she asked as she sniffed
"No" I told her
"I only do it when I am stressed or sad" she said
"I don't mind" I told her
"Colby, why do you care about me?" she asked though quietly cries
"Because the moment I laid eyes on you y/n, I knew you were special, I knew you were different. But I also saw how fragile you were and I just snapped into a mode where I wanted to protect you and not let anyone hurt you." I told her in all honestly
"Do you mean that?" she asked
"How do I know that?"
"I was fragile and scared once, everything I did I couldn't help but think about the consequences. I didn't live and I just wanted someone to talk to. I found that person and they became my best friend and they have for as long as I can remember, they didn't teach me anything, we learnt together." I told her
"Sam?" she asked
"How did you know?" I asked her
"I can see it" She told me
I said nothing I just smiled.
"Colby, I ran away from home when I was 13. My mother was a drug addict and my father beat me. I had two brothers and one threatened to rape me if I wasn't out the house by the end of the day. So I stole a load of money from my mum and packed a bag and left. I never looked back. I didn't even think about it. At first I stayed with my grandmother, she looked after me and for 6 months I was happy. Then she died and I had no family left. I stayed in her house until I was forced out and taken into care. I was bullied in there and never even look at when it came to fostering. I turned 15 and I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I once again left but I no longer had that money, I only had £30 from the pocket money I saved from doing jobs around the care home. I left and began heading far away from any sort of of place that was like my home. I ended up here a year ago after staying in shelters and sleeping on the streets for 3 years after that. I was barely alive when that man you saw earlier found me. He was so kind and I felt safe for the first time since my grandmother. He gave me money for clothes and he gave me money for a place of my own. He helped me get a job. But then things started to change and he wanted to be paid back. Bu I wasn't making enough money to pay him back. So he kicked me out. But not before... not before attacking me. He beat me until I was blue and purple and then he just kicked me out and just left me to die. So I ran away and I ran far. A couple months later a group of people robbed me so I was left with what I am in now. I washed it by sneaking my clothes into peoples washing at the dry cleaners, I cleaned myself by sneaking into peoples homes. I mean I rob there food and spare money I can find lying around that isn't that noticeable. Turns out the guy still wanted me to pay him back, and thats when he found me tonight, luckily you found me and you helped me." she told me.
I was now also in tears.
She cried uncontrollably as she told me the story.
I couldn't stand this anymore.
I stood up and went to the cubical next to her, I climbed over and into the same one as her. She had her jacket off, and her arms where covered in scars.
The cigarette almost out.
I sat down in front of her, even know there wasn't a lot of room.
I took her arms in my hands.
"I will never. Ever. Do that to anyone. I will never do that to you and I can swear on my life and everyone else here." I told her as I looked at her eyes.
She looked into mine before standing up.
I joined her.
She looked up at me before hugging me.
She was a broken girl.
I was going to stop at nothing until she is put back together and happy and safe.

Colby Brock Imagines
FanfictionThis is a book of Colby Brock imagines Requests are welcome and will do as many as I can Hope you enjoy;)