For @niallforever15 ❤️
"Every damn year" I huff under my breath as I looked in the mirror as I finished off my black lipstick. I adjusted my jacket before huffing again
"Ready?" Kat asked from my bedroom door, I lived on my own with my two dogs.
Today was the first show of Sam and Colby's tour.
I was going for Sam's sake not Colby's. He was my best friend for over 10 years but then his girlfriend came into the pitcher and ever since then i've kept my distance.Mainly because she told me that if I didn't keep away she would break Colby's heart, and honestly that's the worse thing, I love Colby, as more than a best friend. but I would rather see him happy than heart broken.
"Coming" I smiled as I grabbed my keys before saying goodbye to the dogs.
"You ready?" Kat asked me as she got into the passengers side to my jeep.
"Of course." I winked at her as I pulled out of my drive way and headed to the arena.
20 minutes later
"Hey guys!" Sam smiled as we jumped out of the car and over to him
"Sup Sam" I smiled"Look, before you get annoyed..." Sam began
"She is here?" I said knowing it was bound to happen, but what can I do, I don't start unless she does.
"But we have a plan" Sam smiled as Kat laughed evilly
"Oh god what?" I rolled my eyes
"Colby likes you" Sam said
"No he doesn't" I said.
"Yes. Yes he does" Kat answered "And we are going to make him jealous, make him break up with his girlfriend and then get with you." Sam told me
"Right okay?" I said sarcasticallyThey both looked at me
"Come on. Who are we going to make him jealous of me and who?" I asked
"Single man, reveal yourself" Sam said before Jake appeared.
"Currently he is the only single boy in the house close enough to Colby to make him jealous" Kat explained
"Look, one kiss in front of Colby without the evil bitch and bush bash bosh, you two are finally together" Sam said. He had always known that i've had a crush on Colby, i'm glad to have him really
."Fine, say we do this and it doesn't work, then what?" I asked
"Then plan B" Kat winked
"Which is..." I asked
"Well hopefully we won't need to use it" Sam smiled
"Let's get this over and done with" I sighed
"Step 1. Let's make you both look like you have just had a heated make out sesh" Kat smiled
She walked over to me and messed up my hair slightly smudging my lipstick. Then using that lipstick she smudged on her finger to wipe on Jake's lips. Finishing off with messing up Jake's hair.
"Colby come on!" There she was. Lucy
."Coming babe" Colby yelled after her.
"Okay, step two Jake, purposely go and bump into Colby and act nervous when talking to him. go! go! go! go!" Sam whispered
"What about me?" I asked
"Sort yourself out, me and Kat need to hide" Sam explained.
I grabbed my mirror from my bag and sorted things out

Colby Brock Imagines
FanfictionThis is a book of Colby Brock imagines Requests are welcome and will do as many as I can Hope you enjoy;)