"So, Rose Tyler, who are your all time favourite singers. If you could go see ANYONE in the whole entire universe dead or alive, who would you choose?" The Doctor was running around the TARDIS console as per usual, Rose watching him from her position perched on the railings at the side. She thought hard about what he said, weighing up all her options. She had to choose wisely.
"Honestly Doctor I would've LOVED to see The Beatles when they were right in the middle of their peak. I absolutely adore their music." Her thick Londoner accent shone through and the Doctor smiled to himself, he loved that accent of hers. She jumped off the railing she was sat on and walked over to the console, standing with close proximity to him so she could feel the heat radiating from his body.
"Well then Rose, Beatles it is! ALLONS-Y!" The Doctor pressed the buttons and the TARDIS flew off, Rose and the Doctor clinging on for dear life whilst laughing like mad men. Which is exactly what they were; mad men with a box. A time and space travelling blue police box.
"Here we are! Liverpool, England 1962 at The Cavern Club. This is the venue where they played their first ever gig on the 9th of February 1961, they nearly didn't let George Harrison play..."
"Why?!" Rose's eyes widened at the Doctor as she thought of the possibility of one of the greatest bands to ever exist, never existing.
"He was wearing jeans! How stupid is that?!" The Doctor scrunched his face in disgust at the idea. "Anyways, we best be on our way Miss Tyler the show is about to begin!" The Doctor held out his hand and Rose interlinked their fingers, enjoying the spark that flew up her arm and tingled her heart as their skin touched.
Together they walked down the many flights of stairs into the Cavern Club. The smell of sweat and beer being poorly covered by disinfectant overpowered them both, making their noses crinkle in disgust but also bringing them some sense of belonging. The magic of a concert venue. The room was absolutely jam packed, full to the brim of young teenage girls dressed in 60's dresses standing in big groups and grown ups drinking some form of beer. The Doctor looked at Rose and studied her face. Her eyes were widened in shock, her jaw slightly ajar as she looked around the place and took it all in.
"Well, whad'dya think?" The Doctor bumped her shoulder lightly with his own.
"Wow... This is incredible!" Rose smiled up at the Doctor. "Thank you so much." Her eyes returned to the rest of the room I can't believe I'm actually here.
"You're wel-" the Doctors voice got cut off by the sound of screams and cheers erupting from the crowd. Rose's head snapped up and she looked at the stage where her all time favourite band were stood, getting ready to play their first song. I REALLY can't believe I'm here.
"Hello everyone, we're the Beatles. This song is called I Saw Her Standing There... 1 2 3 4!" The whole room began dancing as the music played, the room filled with the sound of people singing along to every word of the song. Rose and the Doctor included. They were facing each other and singing at the top of their lung while jumping up and down. They were in heaven. While she loved running away from monsters and risking her life with the doctor, she was relieved to have a normal night with no trouble looming. They could finally let their hair down and not worry about what might happen if they weren't evaluating every step they took.
They played a whole mixture of songs fast and slow. The fast ones were brilliant because everyone was dancing without a care in the world, but the slow ones were a completely different kind of brilliant too. It amazed the Doctor seeing the crowd swaying slowly, singing along quietly to the words of the song, in contrast to a few minutes before when they had been jumping around. The Doctor looked at Rose and his hearts hurt a little bit as he saw tears in her eyes. He put his arm around her and she looked up at him, giving a sad smile as the words from the song really hit her. She rested her head lightly against his chest as they swayed together, enjoying their close proximity and the feel of the Doctor's hand soothingly running up and down her arm.
The song changed, and it was back to a fast one that everyone in the room knew....
Well shake it up baby now! (Shake it up baby)
Twist and shout, (twist and shout)
C'mon C'mon baby now.
Come on and work it all out.The whole room was jumping around and singing as loud as they could to the song. The Doctor and Rose resumed their dancing once more, both missing the contact between them but equally enjoying the dancing just as much. Rose had never seen the Doctor let loose to this extent before, and she was enjoying it so much. No matter how well he thought he'd hidden it, Rose always knew he was constantly haunted by his memories. She noticed how sad he was when they first met, but was blind to some parts of it. Eventually she began to notice that his wide smiles never quite reached his eyes and that his laughter was never truly genuine. He obviously didn't mean it maliciously, he just carried a lot of guilt in his conscience and no matter how hard he or Rose tried, he could never seem to let it go. It broke Rose's heart to see him with so much conflict in his hearts, but she knew she could never force him to talk- that's not how the Doctor works. She knew eventually that he would open up, in the mean time she just made sure that he knew she would always be there to listen when he did.
"Right everyone, this is our last song." The crowd collectively expressed their disappointment, making the band snigger. "Thank you all for coming and for singing and dancing, we have loved every minute being here. We have been The Beatles and this is a song called I Wanna Hold Your Hand..." The music started up again and people in the crowd resumed their dancing. The Doctor looked at Rose, she had gasped as George Harrison introduced the song, it was her favourite song. The smile on her face was something similar to a Cheshire Cat and the Doctor felt his hearts swell at how happy she looked. He reached out and grabbed her hand, causing her to look at him and set off the butterflies in his stomach. He could try as hard as he liked to ignore the ever-growing feelings he had for Miss Tyler, but when she looked at him with her big brown eyes and huge bright smile there wasn't much he could do except give into the butterflies- it was only a matter of time before they became unmanageable anyway. She grabbed his other hand and they began to dance together, smiling so hard their cheeks were hurting. They danced without a care in the world for the rest of the song and, without either of them realising, they had ended up chest to chest as they danced.
Rose's butterflies grew stronger in her stomach, matching the Doctor's. She had been harbouring quite a crush on the Time Lord for a while now, just like he had for her. They were playing one big waiting game, to see who would give in first and let their feelings loose but neither had given up yet. Of course neither of them knew they had the same feelings for each other, that would be too simple of course. So instead they just gave longing looks when they saw the other wasn't looking. Everyone they had met on their travels saw their chemistry, it was if everyone in the world but them knew that they both had feelings for each other. It was both sweet and frustrating at the same time.
Slowly the Doctor lowered his head down to Rose, and she stood on her tip-toes to meet him halfway. Their lips connected and sparks flew from them both, setting fire to the butterflies in their stomachs creating a heat that could only be described as burning passion. They pulled away from each other, Rose's heels returning to the floor as she rested her head on the Doctor's chest, hearing his hearts beating quicker than she had ever heard before. She looked up at the Doctor to find his eyes already fixed on her and her cheeks burned crimson red.
He smiled at her and, for the first time, she was so sure that his eyes glinted with something she'd never seen in them before; Happiness.

Doctor Who One Shots
FanfictionShort stories that are written about different incarnations of the doctor and their companions! Hope y'all don't mind there will also be a few Lily James x Matt cause I absolutely adore them I will take requests, just dm them to me :) It definitely...