Clara and Eleven ~ Sleepless Nights

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Clara's POV

I couldn't sleep once again thanks to my crappy brain and its inability to be quiet at night. I was with The Doctor, god knows when and god knows where. It was about 3 in the morning and we were in orbit because the Doctor was actually sleeping for once. I was sat up on my bed, back against the wall, with my eyes wide open attempting to make myself sleepy but it just wouldn't work. The Doctor had given me a room in the Tardis that was so perfect. He even decorated it like my room at home, so I didn't feel home sick as much. I loved travelling with the Doctor so much. The thrill I got from running away from monsters I've never seen before on a planet I never knew existed was extraordinary, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to do that everyday. Of course there was danger, but that's what made it more exhilarating. Most of my enjoyment, however, came from being in the Doctor's company. I adored him. I loved the way he would trip over his gangly legs and how hurt he looked when I mocked his extremely large chin. But most of all, I loved how he cared; so much about anyone and anything. His desire to always do the right thing, while sometimes frustrating, was one of his most admirable features and I loved the fact that he was so unapologetically loving. Of course other factors added to my love for him like his bright green eyes or his floppy brown hair, or his child-like grin when he was excited about something. He was so painfully good-looking it shocked me that he did indeed exist.

Anyway slightly off topic...

That night I got up out of my bed, threw on a jumper that I found on the floor and went into the console room to hang my legs out of the doors and watch the constellations in front of me. I put my headphones in and just looked out at the stars for a while. It was so breath taking, seeing all of the stars just there without clouds or any source of light blocking them out. I laid back on my elbows and just took it all in, hoping that maybe the beauty of the stars and the lull of Ed Sheeran's 'Tenerife Sea' would make me sleepy. After a while I began to feel like there was someone stood behind me which, obviously, made me extremely nervous until I turned around and saw that the Doctor was stood in the doorway of the console room. He lightly jumped through the doorframe, managing to knock his head in the process, and walked over to where I was laid on the floor. He looked at me, studying my appearance and gave a slight giggle.

"Is that my jumper?" I looked down to find myself wearing his jumper that practically swallowed me whole, and my cheeks began to warm up. I looked at him and gave a cheeky smile.

"I guess so yeah, I just picked it up off the floor to be honest." He smiled at me then slowly lowered himself onto floor where he laid next to me. He picked up one of my headphones and placed it in his ear, his face contorting into a smile. Instinctively I shuffled a little closer to him and he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in a bit more. I cuddled into his arm, my cheeks growing hotter and making me even more thankful it was dark in the Tardis so he couldn't see how red they were getting. I looked up at him and his eyes met my gaze, capturing my own. He slowly leant down and placed a subtle, sweet kiss on my forehead and a huge smile spread across my face. We stayed there for a while in a comfortable silence with the sound of Ed Sheeran playing through the headphones. We were both looking at the constellations just metres away and I saw a perfect shooting star fly by. I wish I could stay in this moment forever with the most perfect man to ever exist. I slightly shifted my eyes to look at the Doctor, studying his face to see if he had made a wish too. From the way he looked, I guessed he did.

"How come you're awake?" He looked down at me and I shifted my gaze, knowing if I looked into his eyes I wouldn't be able to talk properly.

"My head was just so all over the place I literally couldn't sleep. I tried so hard as well." I gazed down at the floor in thought. "Anyway I should be asking you the same question, why are you awake chin boy?"

"I couldn't sleep either, I have something or rather someone on my mind." That was when my heart dropped. He was so in love with someone that they kept him up at night and somehow I just knew it wasn't me. I faked a smile and tried to ignore the slight crack forming on my heart.

"Oooh, go on then, spill! Who is it?" As soon as I asked the question he squeezed the hand that had found its way to be intertwined with his own. Oh for Christ's sake Doctor don't squeeze my hand like that, you'll give me false hope!

"It's someone really special to me. I've known her for about a year now and I could just tell from the moment I met her that I would fall for her instantaneously." All I could fathom from that sentence was the fact that he'd known her for a year, because it had been a whole year since he picked me to travel with him.

"That is so sweet! Whoever it is must be a lucky girl to be loved by someone as great as you." I kept my gaze to the floor, knowing that if I looked up at him I'd just be met with even more disappointment.

"Yeah she is, although I'm also an extremely lucky guy. You wanna know why?" I momentarily looked up at him through my eyelashes and nodded, before facing my head to the ground once again. "Because I have her in my arms right now." He placed his forefinger under my chin and slowly lifted my head up to face him, my cheeks burned crimson as I looked into his dreamy eyes. "It's you Clara Oswald, you're the reason I can't sleep at night. I just can't stop thinking about you, my impossible girl." We both smiled at each other then he slowly leaned down to capture my lips with his own. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips began moving against each other. Fireworks going off everywhere in my head, screaming because I was finally kissing the man I was so infatuated with. It really was you Clara! You need to stop doubting yourself! Eventually, we pulled away much to my dismay and went back to the cuddling position we were in before.

We were silent for so long afterwards because we didn't want to ruin the perfect atmosphere we had created. It was made obvious to him that I liked him too because I kissed back, so words weren't really needed.

"Hey Doctor."

"Yes Clara?"

"You're the reason I can't sleep too."

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