David's POV
Shit shit shit I'm so late for work my boss is gonna kill me. Why the hell did my alarm not go off I don't understand?
I looked up from my phone just to make sure I wasn't going to walk into anyone, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I looked back down at my phone and continued the apology text to my boss. "Hi I'm so sorry I'm going to be late this morning the trains got cancelled for a whole hour." Okay so maybe I was telling a little white lie but I only just woke up like 15 minutes ago I need coffee okay? I looked up once again and let out a sigh of relief once my eyes met with the wonderful sight of my favourite little coffee shop, Sugar Cakes. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the heat instantly hitting me like an enjoyable tidal wave; I was starting to lose feeling in the tips of my fingers due to the freezing cold late winter London air. I gazed up at the menu board immediately seeing the thing I wanted to get and joined the short line at the till.
"Hi welcome to Sugar Cakes what can I get you?" The girl behind the till had such a big smile on her face that even I felt the pain in my own cheeks. She was the kind of girl that makes you wonder how it's even possible to be so happy all the time - especially around grumpy, rude customers.
"Um can I get a latte with an extra shot of espresso to go please?" I recited the order I get every single time I come here. It only just registered in my head that she was new to the café staff, I'd never seen her there before. She simply nodded cheerily while turning around to make my drink. While she was doing so I looked at the things on sale at the counter and saw that they were selling my favourite thing ever... Bright blue bon bons that came in a little jar with a ribbon around it. I put a jar onto the counter then looked around the little shop. It was almost deserted, probably because it was so secluded from the rest of busy busy London. It was such a cute place, decorated with fairy lights all around the place and a black & white checked floor that had red X's and O's in each square. The booths that were dotted around the café were all red leather seats that were a little bit elevated. It made me chuckle sometimes when I'm here because there is always someone who's feet can't reach the floor as the chairs are too high up and their legs aren't long enough. I brought my eyes back to the girl behind the counter. She was focusing on something, her tongue poking out of her mouth in concentration. How adorable
She was beautiful. She had huge deep brown eyes that were kind and sparkled when the light hit them, long blonde hair that was slightly frizzy, and she seemed to be quite short; compared to me anyway. I could tell that if I were to stand next to her she would only just come up to my shoulders- perfect height. Her smile was huge and incredibly infectious so when she looked up at me with a big grin on her face, I couldn't help but smile back at her. God she is stunning. She set my drink on the counter.
"Thank you... Billie." Her smile grew wider, if it was even possible.
"You're very welcome...."
"David! I'm David, lovely to meet you." I held out my hand for her to shake. Her hand was small and warm, and when it connected with my own I felt like my skin was on fire. Ask her out you idiot. You're never going to find someone like her again.
"Well, you're welcome David." She winked at me and my heart fluttered.
"Um.. I'm sorry if this is a bit forward but, would you want to go out sometime?" I avoided her eyes, her silence convincing me she thought I was a creep.
"I would love to." My head snapped up in shock, eyes wide.
"REALLY?! I mean... Great! How does 7 tomorrow night sound?" She giggled at me, her cheeks flushing red.
"Sounds wonderful! Can I have your phone to put my number into it?" I patted my pockets and held out my phone to her. She handed it back and I looked at what she had written in, 'Billie :)'. My eyes drifted from the new contact to the time on the top of my phone. 10:08 am
"SHIT! Billie I am so sorry but I need to go I'm already an hour late for work. I will text you. Lovely meeting you." I scooped up my drink and the blue sweets then ran out of the shop, hearing a quiet "bye!" come from Billie. Once out of the café I sprinted to my office which was practically on the other side of the city centre, getting there in a record time of 7 minutes. I ran inside and threw myself into my chair which was tucked under my desk. I set the coffee down and the blue bon bons, hearing a chuckle come from beside me.
"Guessing you woke up a bit late?" I scowled at the boy with the huge chin.
"Yes I did, Matt, now shut up you arsehole." He laughed loudly at me, shaking his head before going back to typing on his computer. I turned on my own computer and looked at my phone whilst waiting for it to come on. I could feel myself smile as I unlocked my phone, it brought me straight to Billie's contact.
'Hey, it's David! I'm so sorry I had to leave in such a rush, I was really late for work. Anyways, please text me your address and I will pick you up at 7? xx' I clicked send and smiled at the 'whooshing' sound it made as the text whizzed off.
'Hi! 7 sounds wonderful, see you tomorrow! xx'
'Perfect! xx'
And it was. The night was so perfect I couldn't have asked for anything better. Maybe I should be late for work more often...

Doctor Who One Shots
FanfictionShort stories that are written about different incarnations of the doctor and their companions! Hope y'all don't mind there will also be a few Lily James x Matt cause I absolutely adore them I will take requests, just dm them to me :) It definitely...