CH 5 Getting Along

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( Third p.o.v )

Everyone stayed up awhile thinking about what they learned at each other. They came to like each other more and more. They listen to Calypso's side of the story about siding with her father. Along with her curse of falling for all those heroes. They could tell talking about Percy and Leo was still a sore subject.

Nico went next telling the girls how his mother died, living in the Lotus hotel, his feelings as he lost one sister and gained another. He explained that while learning to control his shadow travel he literally fell onto a group of Romans. Who then took him to the legion where he felt the connection with Hazel. Which he said gave him and Frank some beef at first.

Thalia went next as she told the two about her life as well. She explained how her mother went mad with Zeus and Jupiter. She told them that she didn't want to leave Jason, but she was attracting monsters. She told them how she met and fell for Luke at a young age. How she felt when he betrayed her and Annabeth.

The boys shared their story too. They explained how they tried to protect their mother from her boyfriends. How Hunter did his best to take of Gunter as well as their father saving them and their mother. Their favorite thing to tell was how they trained before leaving and making a new family. They told the others that they still love their cabin and all but they preferred their fathers family overt their dads. With that being the last thing said they all went to lay in bed thinking.

( Hunter's p.o.v )

I got up early to make breakfast. I peeked into Gunter's room and he was actually up already. "What are you doing up already brother?" He smiled at me, " I'm going to wake the others up so they can join us for breakfast. Then hopefully tomorrow they can just stay with us while the lovely couple stays by themselves." " I'm sure they would love that. Now I'm gonna update father on our arrival." Gunter nodded following me down the stairs where we went our separate ways. I quickly texted our father before I started cooking. The message I sent said, Father, we are in the pit. We are on a quest for something or someone. Can you send help and could we meet up? Love Hunter and Gunter.

I was making breakfast as the others all showed up. "Good morning," everyone said. I said it back as I started to finish up the food. Calypso once again helped out by making fresh orange juice. Gunter got cups while Nico set the table. Thalia decided to take over and serve everyone for me. As we all ate happily I decided to let everyone know about my message to our Father. "Guys I need to tell y'all something."

They looked at me silently waiting for what I had to say. "I contacted our father. He's most likely going to send help and meet us somewhere." "How will we know when the help is here?" asked Nico. We continued to until we heard screaming. We all got up to peek outside seeing Annabeth and Leo screaming and crying while falling. We busted out laughing as we went to finish eating.

We were cleaning up as we heard growling and screaming again. We got up drawing or weapons as we busted outside. Annabeth and Leo are on the floor with a hellhound and wolf growling at them. "Really guys where are your weapons at?" asked Thalia. This caused the beasts to turn to us. "Shade and Lee is that you." The two beasts stop growling and started wagging their tails. They came up to my brother and I licking our faces. "Guy's I'm pretty sure this is the help." Your friends with those monsters," yelled Annabeth. "Don't you dare call them that they make for better companions than y'all too," yelled Gunter. This made her angry and red in the face, "Watch how you talk to me punk I'm a goddess if you still remember that." My brother was going to open his mouth again when Nico, Thalia, and Calypso stood in front of us. "Touch them or hurt them in any way and you'll have to go through us," sneered Thalia. The two girls had a silent match with each other which ended up with Annabeth huffing. "Let them be please let's go inside to discuss what we are going to do. Come on Shade and Lee let's go."

We sat on the couches as my watch went off. "Did Father respond back?" said an eager Gunter. "What does it say?" asked Nico. "Hello, boys it's been a while. I'm pretty sure Shade and Lee may have arrived already. I can't wait to see you guys despite that it's on a quest. Meet me at the Arena, have Shade and Lee take you guys to me. See you soon. Love your father," I finished the message. "Well so much for making a plan. Lets pack and get going," smiled Calypso. " Alright please put everything you need in your rooms. We already set up the tent to house all of us so don't worry. Also, we won't take no as an answer so drop it." smiled Gunter. They did as Grunter told them. We packed our tent up and waited for Leo and Annabeth.

"Why aren't y'all helping us here?" complained Leo. "Yeah don't you see were hurt from the fall," huffed Annabeth. "We can see two whining babies," laughed Thalia. "Yeah, two crying babies complaining about a hurt ankle and a hurt arm," joined Nico. "Shut up I don't see y'all caring anything," said Annabeth. "That's because we played nice and got to know these lovely boys. They actually remind me of him," said Thalia. Everyone went quite which made us confused. "Who's him?" asked Gunter. They looked at us sadly until Nico spoke, "Percy Jackson is the boy you remind us of."  "Maybe we should get going. Shade, Lee lead the way to father please its time to go." Everyone got up and followed the hounds to the Arena.

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