Chapter 1

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It was 12 at the noon. Sun shining bright, birds chirping in the sky, creating a sweet melody that could make anyone forget all their worries, greenery all around, squirrels partying with their families on the occasion of finding new walnuts. Everything seemed so happy around. And there I stood in the middle of busy yet lonely roads standing in front of my house, after so long.

I have lived in a hostel for last 10 years, and finally now after completing my studies, I'm returning back to my home as a doctor! Dr. Nandini Murty.

Now after 10 years I'm back to my parents and my sweet little brother, actually not that sweet though. But you know what only your family can love you unconditionally, without any selfish reasons. No one in this world can love you the way your family does.

I have always been a girl who loves to make friends, who spreads positivity and happiness all around. But what I have always got is fake friendships, no one cares to be friend with me for what I am, they are there with me for their selfish reasons and once they are done, they leave me and move on in life as if they never knew me. I think people are close to me.

Keyword: think

That they love me, and when I get attached to them, they just throw me out of their life, breaking my heart, making my life a mess all over again. That's why I decided to never get close to anyone. Just be friends for the sake of, to never trust anyone except for myself.

I rang the doorbell of my house, and as expected, the door flung before I could I could even realise making me stumble a little and there stood my not-so-sweet little brother.

Awe!! Why do I love him so much?

And he jumped on me, hugging me tight, no actually chocking me.

As expected....

Is he trying to kill me?

"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" and again as expected, he shouted in my ear.

Ouch!! That hurts.

My tympanum 😫

"I missed you so much!" he said, still hugging 🙄

Why can't he stop being clingy?

"I missed you too Rishu!" I said reciprocating the hugging.

Ohkay! I know I love him 🙄


Ouch!! I should have used ear plugs 😭

We broke the hug to see my mom standing their, with her eyes brimming with tears, and her arms open, welcoming me and seeing her like that I couldn't stop myself. I ran towards her and we hugged each other as if our life depends on that hug.

"I missed you so much mom" I sobbed.

"haan mummy ko hi miss Karna, papa ko toh waise bhi koi pyaar nahi karta"

And here comes my lovely, handsome Dad 😉

"awe your jealous" I said walking towards him, and he embraced me in his arms.

My hero!!

"I missed you so much princess"

"I missed you too papa"


"You know how we all read stories about how we are gonna colonize mars and stuff in the near future? We really need to get to mars because apparently our government thinks it might have some oil!!! It’s not their fault at all. I mean, look at mars, just look at it. Doesn’t it look a bit like a middle eastern country? Pissed off, scary with a probability of oil!" Cabir said standing on the stage in a laughing club.

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