Chapter 1

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Into a gray building, through three gray doors and into a gray room I'm lead. The exterior of the MI6 training headquarters couldn't get more bleak if it tried, but I don't mind at all. I see this building, this room, these doors in my dreams. My hard work, my years of study and preparation at university weren't for nothing. In fact, those years of work have all culminated in this moment. After yearning for what seems like a lifetime, I've been granted a spot in the MI6 special agent training program.

In a few weeks, after I prove how ready I am, I know I'll be an agent. Even if there is only 1 spot out of the many candidates I'll have to compete against, I know the spot will be mine. I've wanted it for so long, now that I'm on the brink of success I won't let anybody stand in my way.

I shake my head discreetly to clear my mind and prepare myself for what the day holds. Currently there are 4 other people in the gray room with me. I look around curiously as I enter and take a deep breath. I know it's not exactly productive to make friends, but the prospect of being stuck in this training facility with no one to talk to for 2 months seems daunting. So, I approach a nice looking girl sitting quietly in the corner.

Her hair is strawberry blonde and reaches down to her waist. She wears jeans and a maroon sweater. I take in her appearance and think she doesn't look exactly like spy material, but stop myself from passing judgement. When most people see me, who barely scrapes 5'4'' with long auburn hair, they don't expect that I could be a part of the secret service, either. They would be wrong.

"Hi, I'm Rosy." I approach confidently. The girl who sits before me doesn't bother to get up to acknowledge my presence. Instead, she remains in her seat complacently and lazily tilts her head to examine my face. I see her eyebrow raise skeptically and then she's squinting at me as if she can't believe I'm talking to her.

I'm not exactly sure what to do and don't understand how she could dislike me already. I stand for a second, at a loss for words, but figure I'm getting nowhere with this girl. She looks to be about my age- maybe 22 or 23- but sure doesn't act like it. After a time I give up, shrugging my shoulders and walking away. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

I look around and notice there are now 10 people in the room with me. How many recruits are they going to try and squish in here?

The door I entered through remains open to the hallway beyond. I notice three other doors on opposite sides of the room also open up automatically, so that there's an entrance through all 4 walls. Peculiar architecture, surely, but who am I to judge?

More people shuffle in, coming from all directions now. In the corner I note a group of guys standing and talking amicably. They're all at least half a foot taller than me, and I can tell by their stature that they're all too cocky for their own good. Above them all stands a man with curly brown hair and a large smile. Immediately, I know he will be the most arrogant of the bunch.

I turn away and find that a girl, even shorter than me, stands to the side silently, arms crossed and fingers fidgety. Her hair is brown and cropped short into a pixy cut. I decide I'll attempt conversation with her next.

"Hi, I'm Rosy." I try again. This time the girl does not ignore me. She does not look annoyed by my presence or astounded by my audacity. Instead, she flashes me a shy smile and reaches her hand out.

"I'm Sarah, nice to meet you." She says kindly. I smile in appreciation and take her hand delightedly. At least not everybody here is an asshole.

"MI6, huh?" I try to start up a conversation. I've never been the best at forming new friendships, but I know that as an agent my interpersonal skills will be invaluable. It's never too early to start training, I guess.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now