Chapter 29

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That night I lay in bed with my eyes wide open. Although Harry holds me as usual, this time my paranoia isn't the culprit keeping me up, but rather the strange words which came from the General this evening. Harry and I talked it through up until he fell asleep, but I simply can't think of any reason the General would have for not knowing who Andrew is. Andrew assured me I would see him once I finish, and he's been working with MI6 for years. If he isn't going to be in my near future, I have a nagging feeling something is terribly wrong.

That's why I lay staring up at the ceiling, wide awake, the exhausting day having no effect on my energy levels.

I sigh and gently remove Harry's arm from around my waist, being careful not to wake him. I don't think he understands just how shocked I am by the General's ignorance. I know if I really clue him into my worry, the situation will only be worse. There's no reason to upset Harry needlessly. As for myself, I've already been set off.

I sit up and survey the room. Sarah and Mac appear to be sleeping soundly just like the man beside me. Maybe a glass of water will help me to clear my head. Even if I'm uneasy, I still have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow morning. A good night's sleep would be appreciated.

Slowly, I drag my body from Harry and I's shared cot and tip toe out of the dorm. No need to wake my possible foes, although I've yet to confirm them as threats. I don't let myself forget the startling revelation I made after the contents of Sarah's bag were revealed to me. Although I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt, with all these suspicious incidents mounting, I'm not sure how to feel.

As I cross the common area into the mess hall, I hear something out of turn coming from down the dark hallway which always leads to trouble. If I'm not mistaken, they sounded like footsteps. The rest of the recruits are sleeping in the dorm, so who else could it be?

I stand still for a moment facing the hall, frozen as I try to decide what to do. The first time I entered a room in this hallway, I was nearly drowned. The second, I was abducted and nearly drowned again. Is it really a good idea to investigate and risk my life for a third time?

I bite my lip as I try to decide, but I already know what I have to do. If there's any chance it's the General lurking around down there, snooping may give me the answers I seek. Namely, what the hell is going on with Sanders and why he doesn't know who Andrew is.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the worst, trying to push the other instances I've tread down this hallway out of my mind. Instead, I focus on the answers I very well may receive. As I sneak down the hall I give one fleeting glance to the opening of the dorm, making sure no one has followed me out on my late night excursion. Although it would make me less jumpy to have Harry here with me, I can't risk his safety for the sake of my own curiosity. As for the other two, I'm completely content to have them stay exactly where they are.

I get about halfway down the near pitch-black hall, straining my ears for the sound of more footsteps. It appears to be empty, although I see a door open a few meters ahead of me that's usually locked. It's closer to the end than usual and I've never been inside before. Could this room hold the answers I desire?

I check behind me once more, just to be sure. From what I can tell in the dark, no other figures lurk nearby. I slowly reach and grab the handle and peek around the open door. Nobody is inside at the moment, but someone must have been here recently to leave it unlocked. As far as I can remember, It wasn't ajar this afternoon.

So, I tread as silently as possible as I enter and begin to look around. My eyes strain in the dark, but it's too risky to switch on the lights. So, I squint and keep myself low and alert. I see one large oval-shaped desk in the exact centre of the room. In the dark it looks as if it's made of wood but I can't be sure. Three chairs line each end and on the far wall I make out what seems to be a large TV screen. There are a few closets and filing cabinets pushed up against the rest of the bare walls, but there doesn't seem to be much else.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now