Chapter 30

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Harry and I sit on the cold floor of the swimming pool changing room, completely surrounded by darkness. At this point, I trust nothing and no one. I have no idea who might discover us if we were to keep the lights on, and I don't know where there might be hidden cameras. Although we're in a bathroom, I really don't think personal privacy matters much to the General, or whoever he is.

I remain quiet for a while while Harry sits dutifully across from me, both of us cross legged and about a foot apart. He grabs my hand not to reassure me, but to keep track of where I reside in the pitch black of the room. After a solid 2 minutes have passed Harry whispers hurriedly.

"Rosy? You're really starting to freak me out. You're going to have to start explaining soon." He urges and I understand why. Upon entering the dorm just 10 minutes ago, I frantically shook Harry awake, and then when he prodded me for answers I told him simply that 'everything' was wrong. After that, I immediately dragged him out of bed silently and into the darkness of the changing room without a clear reason.

"I heard something... I wasn't supposed to." I finally force out. Still in a state of shock, my mouth and mind feel numb although I manage to form sentences. I've been given so much information to process I can't even tell if I'll be able to convey it properly to Harry.

"What? Like those times we found the missile plans? Or when we heard Sanders in that odd building by base?" Harry quickly answers, prodding me for as much information as possible. He must be able to tell my current state of numbness as well as I can.

"Yeah... I know what the missile plans mean. I know- I know what they're for." I tell him slowly, my voice shaking. I try to stop myself from stuttering, but find it impossible.

"What? How the hell do you know what they're for?!" Harry exclaims. I quickly shush him as his voice raises involuntarily. Along with undisclosed cameras, I don't know what kind of microphones have been hidden around base, or where they might be.

"I- I..." -I struggle to get out my story and take a breath to calm myself first- "I followed the General into a room just now down the hallway."

Harry nods slowly, pressing me forwards.

"I had to hide in a closet and he got on a phone call or something like that with another person."

"You listened to his phone call? While hiding?" Harry interjects once more. I can't even be mad at his interruption and only nod.

"And I heard them talking about the missiles and what they're for... and who they really are." I assert. I can't see Harry's facial expression in the dark, but I know it must be a mix of something between confusion and complete surprise.

"What do you mean 'who they really are'?" Harry asks the question I already knew he would.

"They don't- They don't work for MI6. They're not training us for MI6 and they never were. They're part of some... organization? I guess that's what they call it. They want to start another war."

"A war? What do you mean a war? They're not a part of MI6? They must be." Harry whispers very forcefully. Just like I was, he's in denial. He doesn't want to believe it. If this is all true, which I know it is now, we've both been living a lie for the better part of 2 months. I never thought something like this would have such a profound effect on me, but finding out every goal and achievement I've made here amounts to nothing really fucks with my head.

"They somehow set it up as an MI6 training scenario, but they were talking about being a part of the 'Salvation' and they were calling each other brother. They definitely aren't apart of MI6." I assure Harry as confidently as I'm able to.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now