Chapter 10

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The next morning, when I wake up, things feel different. Although General Sanders arrives to wake us at 6 AM sharp as always, and we all complete our usual 5K run, the mood feels odd. The recruits all seem jumpy and jittery. I can't figure out for the life of me what it could be. That is until we all proceed down to the mess hall for breakfast.

As soon as Sarah and I have sat down, breakfast trays in hand, I spot it across the room. A white piece of paper tacked to a usually empty cork board. As I see the rest of the recruits gathering around it and gasping, I know exactly what it is: Our pairings. The people we're going to be working with for the remainder of our time training and at MI6.

As soon as I spot the paper my insides fill with dread. Whatever the outcome is, no matter who I'm paired with, I'll still be screwed. I can't envision myself working with any of the people here. Not one. However, since I don't have a choice, I hope beyond all hope that it's Sarah. We get along well enough, and I guess over time we could even learn to work together. Over a long time, but nonetheless, still possible.

I watch as each and every recruit rises to see, including Sarah, but I maintain my spot at the plastic bench where I eat breakfast. Every time I even try to get up to check the bulletin, a good amount of bile rises in my throat. This pairing- it could mean that I don't even become an agent. That would be unthinkable.

So, once everyone else is out of the mess hall and I'm the only one left, I finally work up the courage to assess the paper. I take a deep breath and walk towards the bulletin in the corner of the room. I wait until the last second to look up at it, and then scan the printed letters carefully.

Sarah & Mac

Victoria & Adam

Liam & Niall

Harry & Rosy


I can't be reading this right.

This can't be right.

There's no way in hell that Harry and I are partners.

But I find no matter how many times I blink or shake my head or rub my eyes, the words on the paper don't change. Harry and I have been paired together. Harry and I are to work together for the remainder of training. Harry and I are supposed to be partners while working for MI6...

This has to be the beginning of the end. Although we completed our mission together last night with surprising ease, the fact that Harry felt the need to start a fight afterwards tells me everything I need to know about whether we're compatible or not: we're definitely not.

And yet, General Sanders believes we are. Of course he does. He's never seen the way that Harry and I argue. He doesn't understand the simple fact that we just don't get along. We don't. And we never will. I despise Harry with all my being, and it's obvious he hates me, too.

I stand still, shocked, only staring at the bulletin for a while with my eyes glazed over. Every scenario I can imagine in my head where Harry and I work together does not end well. So, with a heavy heart I leave the mess hall and proceed to the dorm where I know I'll find Sarah. I need to talk to her.

Maybe if I convince her to switch with me I could take the suggestion to General Sanders and be with Mac instead. Or maybe Mac could be Harry's partner and Sarah and I could be together. I now realize anything would be better than working with Harry, day in and day out, no other choice but to try and get along. It won't work. It won't. I know it won't.

I rush into the dorm and locate Sarah sitting on her own bed, chatting with Mac. They seem to be getting along just fine. I wish it were possible for Harry and I to get along like that. I try to bolt straight for her, but find that a large body darts directly into my path.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now