Chapter 13

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The next day, just after lunch, the General makes an appearance in the mess hall. Since he's showing his face, I know he must have an announcement for us.

"Recruits! You've got another field mission tonight." He starts. Instantly I perk up, just like the last time we were told we'd be embarking on a field mission.

"We need you to infiltrate a base a couple hundred miles south of here and locate some files for MI6." He begins. I listen intently, and can't help my excitement. A couple hundred miles south? We must be going to a whole different country for this mission.

"Now, this isn't practice. It's real field work. If you get shot during the mission, you're dead. So be careful, try to get out unharmed." The General warns us. This makes me a little apprehensive. I'm surprised they're allowing freshly picked recruits to handle a real mission, but I'm in no position to question Sanders. Besides, this gives me the opportunity to really put my skills to the test. I know I won't die, but I'm eager to see how close I come...

The rest of the day is spent preparing. The General goes over the building blueprints with us and tells us that the files, labeled '620750' are most probably located within an office close to one of the top floors. Not much to go off of, but better than nothing. I find out we're flying to France to execute the mission. The building we've been told to infiltrate serves as an office for national diplomats.

After we're briefed and understand our mission, we take the rest of the day to gear up, then Sanders gives us time to form a strategy with our partners. I dread having to talk Harry through my plan. For one, I know he'll completely contradict me. Even if he does eventually agree, he'll just end up doing something completely different once we actually get to the building.

However, to keep up appearances, I approach Harry as if I'm genuinely going to start a conversation with him. The General is watching us- I can't have him thinking that I've got a bad attitude.

"Got a plan, Frasier?" Harry begins in his usual condescending tone. I sigh, but try not to let on how annoyed I am.

"Beginning to, but I know you won't listen to it."

"Hey, how do you know if I'll listen or not!?" Harry sarcastically whines, pretending to be offended at my low opinion of his character. I roll my eyes.

"Because you don't listen to anything I say." I remind him. Harry looks amused.

"Try me."

I pause and look up into his eyes. I watch as his arms cross and a resolute smirk takes control of his face. He's waiting for me to speak. I don't know if I should accept his invitation, but I don't have many other options. So, after a few seconds, I start:

"Well, I thought that we should split-"

"-Absolutely not!" Harry butts in before laughing at me. I don't even bother to roll my eyes this time- I don't have the energy. Instead, I stand complacently as Harry mocks me.

"Alright. Have it your way." I tell him before stomping off. I don't need to plan anything with him. He can go fuck around all he wants when we get inside the building. As long as I retrieve the files and bring them back down to General Sanders, I can make it look like Harry and I worked together to get them. That way Harry won't look as incompetent as he really is and I'll still be on track to becoming an agent.

I check the time and find we have barely half an hour before we're due to leave. With that in mind, I head to the dorms and suit up. MI6 have provided us with stealth gear- similar to what we wore the night we played capture the flag- but a little heavier duty. That should be good in the case bullets come to be shot at us.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now