Chapter 17

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I wake to bright lights blazing overhead. Instantly I sit up, my chest heaving with rapid breaths. I look around wildly, trying to figure out where I am. The last I remember I was in the pool, being pushed further and further from the light...

But I'm not there now. I'm in the dorm. I'm laying in bed in an overly large grey t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. My blankets surround me and the rest of the beds are all deserted except for one.

Harry sits delicately upon his cot, back leaning against the wall and feet outstretched before him. He holds a book in his hands and stares at it intently until his gaze shifts towards me. He watches my movements closely. Harry's here... but why?

And then I remember. He saved me. He saved my life and comforted me back to sanity. Now in the light of day I can't help but feel awkward about it. Harry and I have never been so nice to each other, but for some reason the kind behaviour seems to be a developing theme.

"How do you feel?" The man on the other side of the room questions. I snap my stare to him and take a second to comprehend his question. I still feel a little slow.

"I'm alright." I answer truthfully. "How did I get here?"

"I carried you."

I nod and then look down to examine my clothes properly.

"How did I... How did I get into this?"

"I changed you."

"You- you what?" I question quietly, thinking of the repercussions of his answer. I see a small smirk, barely noticeable, invade Harry's face.

"I mean, I asked Sarah to change you." He clarifies. I don't stop the sigh of relief from escaping. That's something that I don't really want Harry seeing anytime soon. I nod again, at a loss for words.

"Thank you." Is the only thing I can think to say. Harry nods with understanding, but makes no move to get up. Instead he continues to stare at me.

"Do you- do you know who, um, did... who was in the pool?" I stutter out. Now that the shock has worn off and I've got a full night's sleep, the actual important questions have started to occur to me.

"I'm sorry, Rosy. I didn't get a good look. They were wearing a mask and they were in all black. By the time I had you out of the pool they were gone." Harry responds despondently. He seems disappointed in himself. I gulp, fearful at the realization that I have no idea who tried to kill me. Who the fuck am I supposed to watch out for for the rest of my time training?

"It's- It's alright. I- Thank you." I state one more time. I feel as though I will never be able to say it enough. This makes the second time that Harry has saved my life.

"What are partners for?" Harry gives me a shy shrug and then is back to staring. His eyes don't seem to want to leave my form.

"What time is it?" I think to ask, remembering that the rest of the room is deserted. If I missed Sander's morning wake up call I won't forgive myself. This is no time to get lazy. I don't care if I almost died. I'm sure that'll be a normal occurrence once I'm actually inducted into MI6.


"10! Where is everyone?!" I question sharply, looking around frantically once again.

"Calm down. It's a rest day like last time. They've cut two people." Harry notifies me. It takes a second for his words to sink in... could my attacker possibly be gone? Were they cut this morning? Or do they still linger in the facility...

"Who was cut?"

"Liam and Niall." Harry tells me. I take a moment to consider this. I'm glad that Mac and Sarah aren't gone. When Harry's being insufferable they're the only two I can talk to. I'd rather stab myself in the eye than talk to Victoria. It's unfortunate that her and Adam weren't sent packing, but all I can think about is how grateful I am that Harry and I are still here.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now