Chapter 11

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It's another four hours before I'm told Harry's awake. Once I dropped him at the hospital wing after winning our challenge, I didn't feel the need to wait around. Once I'd appeased the General and made it look as if I truly cared for my partner, I was gone.

Now, however, it seems I have no choice but to return.

"Frasier! Your partner is awake in the infirmary. Go see to him- the nurses won't." General Sanders informs me as I sit in the mess hall, dinner half-finished. I refrain from rolling my eyes and only respond with a curt salute. I have no idea why Sanders is even here or why he felt the need to tell me personally to babysit Harry, but since he did I have no choice but to listen.

So, after a forlorn goodbye to Sarah and Mac, I drag myself towards the infirmary. I learned today that it resides at the end of the hall which contains our knowledge testing room. Or better known to me as the hallway which I got abducted and dragged down just a few days ago.

On my way I find it's deserted once again. No one usually likes to wander down dark cement hallways in their free time, and since I hardly ever see other staff around, this corridor is always empty.

That's why I'm surprised when I hear noise coming from the same room I investigated a few days ago. Then, the door to the room had been open and I'd caught glimpses of screens with weapon plans that I hardly understood. Now, it's closed, but I can hear voices. Maybe this hallway is not as empty as I thought...

Harry can wait. My curiosity peaks and I stop at the closed doorway, pressing my ear to it as I register soft murmurs coming from inside. Maybe I'll finally get an explanation for the missile plans I saw- after all, there must be a reason for their presence in this training facility.

As I strain my ears I can make out two voices:

"No. Not yet. They're not ready for implantation." A low voice growls. It doesn't sound familiar to me in the slightest, but I eagerly eavesdrop anyway. These circumstances are getting more odd by the minute- I can't help myself.

"But the operative's plan is still in progress?" Another voice questions.

"Yes, of course, but we need more time before we select a pair to carry out the task." The first voice reminds the second. There's a pause.

"How can we trust a pair? What if they figure out-"

"Don't get paranoid. They can't tell their heads from their asses. Just keep doing your job and everything will fall into place." The first cuts off the second rather aggressively. My ear presses even harder to the door, but soon I find I can hear heavy footsteps approaching me from inside. Someone's leaving.

I dart away from the room and jog down the hall towards the infirmary. I doubt it's in my best interests to be caught eavesdropping by some high-ranking MI6 military official.

So, left with a lot of questions, I force myself to find Harry instead of following whoever resided within the closed-off room.

What could they possibly be discussing? What operative? And what's going to be implanted? They talked about selecting a pair- they must mean a pair of recruits- but what could we possibly be of use for? And why would the second voice feel the need to question our reliability?

My head is swimming as I burst through a white door and into Harry's room. The nurses who deposited him here seem to have put him in a medical gown. Instantly, the sight of Harry in a hospital bed wearing a thin, paper, see-through dress makes me crack up- the mysterious conversation I just witnessed is totally forgotten for the time being.

"Stop laughing." Harry warns. His tone is much more serious than usual, but I don't take his directions to heart. I could care less if he threatens me- he can't do anything about it now. We're partners.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now