Chapter 15

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"Line up! Come on, beside the ring!" Sanders shouts as we all scurry in from breakfast to the sports hall. It's time for combat training. Real combat training. I try to maintain the confidence I've gained over this past week. After all, I have learned new things with Harry, I really have. If I try, I'm sure I'll be able to use them to my advantage today.

"We're doing a mid-training progress check. After these tests, a pair of recruits will be getting cut." Sanders tells us and I gulp. A pair will be getting cut? Now I really need to step up my game.

I watch as Harry and Victoria step into the ring. Although the two of them seemed to be pretty close when we first started training, I've noticed as the days have gone by they don't talk much anymore. I've also noticed the way that Victoria stares at Harry across their table in the mess hall. It's definitely not in a friendly way, and I wonder if Harry reciprocates. Have they been talking less to keep a secret relationship from being discovered? I wouldn't be surprised, judging by the personalities of both Victoria and Harry.

I try to push the thought from my mind and watch the pair step into the ring. I'm not worried- I know that Harry never loses when it comes to combat. Sure enough, in a minute Victoria is pinned to the ground, the bottom of Harry's boot pressed tightly to her throat.

From the corner of my eye I see Sanders note something on a white clipboard, but I don't have much time to think about what he's writing before my name is called.

"Rosy! Adam!" He shouts. I take a deep breath and step forward into the ring. For some reason, I look to Harry before entering. He nods subtly, trying to encourage me, but I can see the worry in his eyes clear as day. I can't fail this test.

I shake my hands and feet out then widen my stance as Harry taught me. My arms raise to block my face and I wait for Adam to make the first move. Harry told me it's always best to strike second and follow the other person's lead.

So, a few seconds go by, then Adam lunges. Harry prepared me for this. After registering his intended move, I take a large step to the side then jog forward. Adam's back is now to me and he faces the other way.

Without hesitating I swing my leg out and land a solid blow to his ribcage. Before he can turn around and catch my leg I'm already far away. Adam grunts and grips his side. Ok, that seemed to work. What am I supposed to do now? I think back to Harry and I's lessons.

If someone has been hurt but not completely put out, I need to maintain my distance but get in a blow that will knock them to the ground. Adam starts to turn towards me, but before he can I aim for his ankle, angle the bottom of my boot, and kick as hard as I can.

A loud crack sounds out through the sports hall and he cries out in agony, sinking to the ground. I know I haven't broken anything, but a firm blow to the bone is never pleasant.

I remember what I've been taught and take a step away, then move back behind Adam. He tries to lunge out and grab me, but I'm too far. If I'd been a couple inches closer, I would have been screwed.

I deem it safe to move forward and use my hands, figuring I'll take my elbow to Adam's neck as Harry taught me. However, instead of staying put, in a split second Adam has rolled onto his back and outstretched his arms.

He grabs both my ankles and tugs hard. I fall on my ass to the ground, the wind knocked out of me. Before I can register what's happening, I feel a hard punch across my cheek. My vision goes black for a second and I see stars.

Before I know it Adam's hands are wrapped around my throat and I'm forced to tap out. I huff in frustration as he gets up. I did everything I was supposed to do, and I still can't fucking get it. I stomp out of the ring and take my place back in line. I don't even dare to look at Harry who I'm sure is fuming by now.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now