Chapter 19

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Harry's foot pushes dangerously hard down upon the gas as we speed forward back towards base. I'm hardly in the right state to worry about automotive safety right now. What the hell did Harry and I just hear?

"General Sanders was there!" Harry exclaims, clearly still in shock. I nod along. He's right. General Sanders was there and he was talking to the sketchy voice I heard in the hallway just last week.

"Yeah... He was..." I trail off, getting lost in my own thoughts. What on Earth could they have been talking about? Sanders mentioned something- no, someone. He was talking about us- the recruits- I'm certain of it. What the hell are we supposed to be ready for? What was Sanders so afraid to talk about that he couldn't even mention it in a deserted cement building? I hate having to question my commanding officer, but the conservation Harry and I just witnessed was as sketchy as they come.

"God-damnit, Rosy, say something! You're the one who made us go in there!"

"I don't know what to say..." I tell the truth, staring out the window trying to process all this new information. What should I be thinking right now? Should I leave MI6? Should I confront General Sanders? Should I tell the other recruits? Technically MI6 business is none of mine yet, but the tone of the entire conversation I just heard didn't sound right. Something fishy is going on. It has to be.

"What the hell were they talking about?"

"Do you think he meant us? The recruits, I mean?" I spurt out the single thing on my mind. If General Sanders was talking about Harry, me, and the rest of the recruits, this is sort of my business, isn't it?

"It sure sounded like it! But what could they be getting us ready for? It didn't sound like they were talking about normal initiation." Harry goes on, his voice a little louder than usual. He clearly doesn't like being caught up in this mess.

"I have... I have no idea. They said it would only take 5 minutes... And at the end, Sanders said..." I trail off as I try to remember. I know that the husky voice started to say something and the General cut them off. What were they saying?

"Sanders said what?!" Harry exclaims gruffly, obviously annoyed as I zone out.

"The other voice. It said something about the union and then I thought he was going to say..." I begin again before my voice fades out. Now that I think about it, I'm not really sure what I heard.

"What? What did he say? Finish your sentences, Rosy." Harry bossily commands, obviously frustrated. I would roll my eyes if I wasn't in so much shock.

"Destruction, or destroy. Or something bad." I finish. I sense Harry turn his head to look at me in surprise but don't meet his gaze. I don't have the will power to even move my fingers right now.

"No... There's no way. General Sanders works for MI6. He works for the Queen. Whatever they were talking about can't be bad." Harry reasons. I want to believe him, but something about the entire situation I just witnessed stops me from doing so.

"How do you know that?"

"Because! Obviously he knows what he's talking about if he's been sent to train us. The government trusts him. He can't be doing anything bad, he's on our side." Harry rambles on, trying to make himself feel better. I've never seen Harry so plainly panicked in my life. All the times he's gone swimming I haven't really talked to him much. This is a new side of him.

"How can you be so sure he's on our side?" I question. I don't feel skeptical, but rather I want a true answer. How is Harry so certain that General Sanders has good intentions? I want to understand what he's thinking. Maybe I'll feel better if I know, too.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now