Chapter 28

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The next week passes in a flash. I can't recall being as happy for such an extended period of time as I have been during the past few days. During the night, Harry and I share our bed in the dorm. Although Sarah sleeps across from us, I feel safe with Harry, no matter the revelation I unveiled. Sometimes, or more like every night, once everybody is asleep, Harry and I sneak into the gym for an hour or two and repeat our activities from when we first got together. In the morning, we wake up and carry on with training as usual, either in the combat ring or in the swimming pool. I can beat Harry about 50% of the time we spar, meaning I'm more than ready for fighting in the outside world. Likewise, Harry is completely tied with me while we swim and complete other exercises, seeming to have left almost all his fears behind.

We try not to speak during the day in front of other recruits, but it's not difficult now. In the beginning of the week, the morning after our dinner up on the track, we woke to find both Victoria and Adam gone. Now only Harry and I remain to compete with Mac and Sarah, who I must stay wary of.

Although there seems to be a lot on my mind, talking to Harry usually seems to take the worrying thoughts from my brain. Being with Harry also seems to eradicate my anxiety for an hour or two, which is why we do it every night. If I'm honest with myself, I never expected training to go so well in a million years. Although I always knew I'd become an agent, I never thought I'd meet someone like Harry.

Throughout the week we're sent on field missions here and there, but thankfully don't come upon another bar or nightclub. No new opportunities for jealousy and fighting are good, but I feel as though Harry and I are past those sort of trivialities. One night we're sent back out in our cars to London. Harry and I are set on the trail of a balding man, maybe in his 40 or 50s. We don't have much to do except take pictures, but Sanders seems to care a whole lot about the buildings he exits and enters. We're not told who the man is, but I'm too nervous around the General to ask. Another night, we're sent back to infiltrate a modern looking building in the middle of town. It's pretty much deserted and the folders we were sent to retrieve are found within an hour.

I can feel training coming closer and closer to an end, but for some reason the end I expected when I first arrived does not seem to be in my future. Sanders barely makes any mention of what life will be like after training, or what working for MI6 really entails.

Although my skepticism grows larger by the day, I find there is one good thing to be grateful for. Harry and I have not been in a fight since we became 'exclusive', and we're working together better than ever. I don't know if it's the extra regard I now feel for my partner, but every mission I complete I feel more focused and determined to get it right. Not only does messing up mean my own life is in danger, but it endangers Harry's as well. I can't have that, and I think he feels the same. This means we're nearly unstoppable, even by Sarah and Mac.

I neglect to reveal what I stumbled upon in Sarah's bag to Harry. I feel as though if he knew he would take two courses of action. One, he would stop me from competing in training and pull us out for my safety. I can't have that. The other, he would confront Sarah and someone would get bloodied. Even if Sarah was responsible for the attacks, which I really don't want to believe, Harry causing a fight among the recruits will not reflect well on us to Sanders. Even if the General's crazy like we think, he's still responsible for me completing training, so I have to come off as a model trainee either way.

After 5 days have passed, I know that we'll be finishing soon enough. It's down to just us 2 pairs. There's barely anything we can do now to win favour in our direction. It's do or die.

Tonight, we finish training late. The entire day Sanders had us running around, completing obstacle course after obstacle course, race after race. I'm exhausted to the point of collapse when the day has finally finished. I give Harry a small nod before dragging myself off to the showers. There's no way I can eat dinner in such a state.

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