Our Love Will Survive

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Preciously on Our Love Will Survive.....

"Fine, BUT YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK RUTTER!" Patricia screamed, stomping away


Fabian's POV:

I walked out of my room looking everywhere to see if Patricia had given up yet. luckily the living room and the kitchen were empty apart from Trudy making supper, Mara studying and Nina sitting on the couch reading

I decided to talk to Nina about our almost kiss we had a couple of days ago

I greeted her with "hey"

"Hey Fabian, whatcha need?" she asked

"Um.....I just wanted to talk to you about our....uh......almost kiss we almost had the other day" I stuttered

"Um.....yeah, what....what about it?"

Now or never Rutter

"Um....Nina" I started, sitting next to her on the couch

"I know....that we don't talk or interact much but....I'm just gonna come out and say it" I finished

Nina put her book down and looked me strait in the eye, oh god!

"Nina....I.....I....I'velikedyouforawhilebutiwasdatingJoysoicouldentaskyououtsoibrokeupwithhertobewithyouanditsfineifyoudontfeelthesamewayaboutmebutiknowhowifeelaboutyou" I said taking a big gulp of air

"Fabian.....I didn't understand a word of that" Nina laughed weakly

"Sorry" I muttered

"Nina, I've liked you for a while but I was dating Joy, so I couldn't ask you out, but I broke up with her to be with you and it's fine if you don't feel the same about me, but I know how I feel about you" I said using hand gestures and raising my voice up and down, for affect

"Fabian, I like you to" Nina whispered

What a relief!

I smiled at her, but she wasn't finished

"-but I don't think it would be good if we dated" she said sadly

"I....don't understand" I whispered

"You said you liked me and I like you so what do you mean 'it wouldn't be a good idea if we dated'" I quoted

"Fabian, your the captain of a football team, were as I have know idea about football and you, your the guy ever girl wants! including me, but I'm not the right girl for you"

"But....." Was all I could say, before she walked away

*supper (Fabian's POV)

No one talked, I didn't even hear a whisper come from anyone, you could literally cut the tension with a knife or hear a pin drop

"More awkward tension again guys" Alfie said, directing that to me

"Come on, tell us, what's wrong now" Patricia said, I'm surprised she hasn't gotten me back yet

"It's nothing" I mutter, as I fiddle with my fork, loosing my appetite

"Really?" Amber said crossing her hands giving me a 'I know what happened' face, well I guess Nina told her

"Really Amber, it was nothing" I glanced over at Nina who hadn't lifted her head once

"Oh Fabian, stupid, stupid Fabian" Amber sighed shacking her head back and forth

"If he doesn't want to talk about it, then just leave it, ok" Nina muttered, thank you!

"Fine!" Amber said angrily, jabbing her sausages

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