Our Love Will Survive

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*The Next Day. Monday*


Joy's POV

After mine and Patricia's fight we haven't talked....and Mara is ignoring me also....

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I didn't mean it....i was just upset about Nina and Fabian....Patricia, Mara c-can you forgive me?" I asked

"Yes" Mara smiled

I smiled back and hugged her and I turned to Patricia. Her hands were folded across her chest and she wasn't looking at me

"Patricia?" Mara asked

"Agh! Fine....I was going to forgive you anyway...." Patricia scoffed, raising her eyebrows

I smiled and hugged Trixie and we headed to breakfast....

Amber's POV

After chasing Alfie and Jerome for my straighteners me and Nina were in our room, getting ready for school....

"So what did you and Fabian talk about when you went on that walk yesterday?" I smirked, turning to face Nina

"Did he ever tell you about his sister?" Nina asked, putting some books in her bag and then facing me

"Yeah, she died when he was young....why'd you ask?" I frowned

"That's what he wanted to talk to me about....i don't know if I should be telling you-" Nina started but I interrupted her

"-that he reckons he's the reason his sister is dead and the reason his Mum is dead....?"

"H-how did you know...? I thought he kept it a secret...." Nina mumbled

"Nina, nothing stays a secret in Anubis house - and we were fine with it....we knew he wouldn't actually murder his family so we let it go...." I shrugged

Nina nodded and we headed down to breakfast....



(A/N: I don't actually know what time they have to be in school by but in my school it's 9 o'clock, so I'm going with that)

Fabian's POV

I was one of the only people who were sat at the table....

It was me, Mick and Jerome....and Trudy who was bringing in some pancakes and orange juice....

"So, Rutter....how's Nina land?" Jerome smirked, grabbing some toast and the butter knife

"I'm not in "Nina Land" We're dating....if you can't handle that then oh well" I shrugged, cutting my (scrambled) eggs

He nodded with a smirk and the girls and Alfie came in....

Nina sat in her usual seat and smiled at me, I smiled back and breakfast continued as it usually would....

Alfie and Jerome having a food fight, Mara reading Harry Potter, Mick complaining about the amount of homework we get, Joy and Patricia talking quietly, Me sneaking glances at Nina and winking, Nina blushing when I did and Amber squealing at us....ruining the moment....


"Why are you all sitting around?! Go to school...you don't want to be late!" Victor shouted

Everyone scrambled out of their seats and scurried off to school....

Authors Note

Nothing really interesting happening in this chapter - but I used different POVs which was weird....

Thanks for the support x

I'll update soon! (Thursday the latest)

See ya!


- Kirstyn :D

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