Our Love Will Survive

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_____Time Laps_____

*After School*


Eddie's POV

After school me and the guys went to go and torment the lower years.

It was fun because they were scared of us and we're taller!

"Oh my god dude! Did you see his face? He was practically begging" Josh laughed as we ran from a teacher who court us teasing the pupils

"Yeah, they were like: "please don't hurt me! It's my first day....please!" I think he might have pissed his pants!" Luke laughed along

I chuckled and we stopped running but kept walking....until I saw Nina.

"I'll catch up with you guys later" I smirked jogging away from them and over to Nina who was walking around campus, texting on her phone

"Hey there" I smirked, walking with her

She rolled her eyes and started walking faster, trying to 'escape'. I gripped onto her wrist and turned her around

She looked scared, frustrated and weirded out

"So....i remember Rutter letting me take you out on a date. Oh! and you can't back-out" I said

She huffed and pulled her wrist from my grasp. I frowned and she answered:

"Eddie, no offence, but if you think I'd date you.....then you've got another thing coming"

"Ooh! So you have a 'type'! I see you only go for 'weak but popular and I'm an orphan!' - but I'm still taking you out. Saturday night I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock, dress sexy....although that shouldn't be hard" I winked at her

She scoffed - which sounded better coming from Patricia's mouth

"Fine. But there will be no kissing, hugging, holding hands or any "couple-y things" on this 'date'" Nina said

I nodded and she walked away from me. I shook my head and walked back to Isis House....

Nina, Nina, Nina....you never said I couldn't take you dancing. tut tut....

*Back At Anubis House*

Nina's POV

I walked back to Anubis house and slumped down on the couch....

This is not good!

Why would Eddie want to take me out anyway?

It's not like I've got anything to offer him!

He's probably getting back at Fabian for winning the football game....

"Hey Neens. What's wrong? you look troubled....?" Amber asked, sitting on the armchair next to me

"Nothing....just....Eddie walked up to me and said he's taking me out Saturday, and I'm a bit scared if I'm honest....what if he kisses me?! What if he manages to get me drunk and I wake up the next morning naked and with a hangover?! What's Fabian going to say when he finds out?" I answered with a sigh

"Nina, Fabian knows Eddie won't get you drunk. If he was Fabian wouldn't have let him take you out anyway....and Fabian isn't going to made, he might be upset but your still going to be Fabina" Amber smiled

"I guess...." I mumbled

Authors Note

My updating is still sloppy....sorry :/

I'll try and update sooner. :)

See ya soon!

(Next update: Saturday 10th January 2015)


- Kirstyn xx

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