Our Love Will Survive

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Nina's POV:

I gasped, why would anyone want to harm their son? especially Fabian

What did he do to deserve this?

"Fabian....if-if you don't mind asking-" I stuttered

"My dad. He's who's beating me" Fabian interrupted

"Why?" I asked, sitting on a log near by

"He-he came home one day and I don't know what he'd been drinking but he just called for me....so-so I came out of my room and gave him a smile but he just glared at me. He had blood and sweat over his face and hands, he then told me that I'd been bad and 'needed to be punished' for whatever I did. So he led me to the kitchen and-and took off his belt and whipped me with it several times then he left me in a corner....luckily my mum came home 20 minutes later and saw what my dad had done. She divorced him and we moved to a different town" He said, sitting next to me on the log

"Fabian....I'm so sorry. No one should be treated like that....especially not you" I whispered, looking into his blue eyes

"What's so special about me? I'm just a British jock" he shrugged, looking into my green eyes

"Your different....your not just some jock your a kind, sweet and caring guy. You just need to see it" I smiled looking down at my shoes

"Nina?" Fabian whispered, he said it so quietly I thought I imaged it

I looked up at him and he brushed some of my hair behind my ear and brushed his thumb on my cheek


Before I could continue he pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was only a few minutes long and we separated to breathe

"Sorry" Fabian muttered

I smiled weakly

why is he apologising?

"Why are you apologising?" I laughed to my self

"I interrupted you...." He muttered

"It's fine" I smiled

He smiled back and we headed back to Anubis House because it started to rain

*At Anubis House*


Nina's POV:

When we got back to Anubis house we were a bit wet from the rain, we entered the dining area to see everyone eating supper and Trudy in the kitchen

"Hey guys! where've you been? you maser out on spaghetti...." Amber said, turning to face us

"Um....we just went.....uh.....for a walk" I lied

Everyone nodded, except Amber who looked suspicious and Joy, who glared at me

I rolled my eyes at Joy and sat down at head of table, next to Amber and Fabian

*After Supper, In Nina and Amber's Room*

_______Time Laps______


Nina's POV:

Me and Amber were getting ready for bed when she started asking me questions

"So what did you and Fabian really do?"

I froze, could I tell Amber? she did know about Fabian being beaten and his scares.....

"Um....w-what do you mean? we just w-went for a walk a-and talked" I stuttered

Damn it!

"Ok, now tell me what really happened?" Amber ordered, I turned around from where I was lying to find her sitting up with her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows raised

"Fine. He took my into the forrest and explained how he had scares and bruises" I sighed, sitting up, leaning my head on the head board

"Oh....ok" Amber smiled weakly before turning away from me

"Night" she said

"Night" I sighed, also turning over and closing my eyes, falling into an awful nightmare

I was in a forrest and it was night time, I was wearing a long white nightie and I was running through the trees.

"Where am I?" I asked myself

"Hello? is-is anybody there?" I shouted


I then heard a loud scream, it sounded like a torture scream of someone who really didn't want to be tortured

I ran towards the scream to find a man, with brown/grey (ish) hair and he was holding a whip over a body, I walked a bit closer and saw it was Fabian

He had blood coming from his forehead and a big scar across his left cheek, he was breathing heavy and his clothes were ripped

"Your too late" the man snickered at me

"No. he's not....he's alive, he's just...." I trailed off, looking down at Fabian

The man started laughing evilly before he started walking over to me, he held the whip up in the air I closer my eyes ready to feel pain but it never happened.

I opened my eyes to see Fabian standing weakly in front of me, he held the whip to stop it from hitting me or him - but the man snickered and pulled out a gun


"FABIAN!" I yelled as the man shot him

He tilted forward and fell to the ground.....

I woke up screaming, waking Amber up with me, I was breathing heavy and I had sweat dripping from my forehead

"Nina what's wrong?" Amber asked, quickly getting out if he bed and heading over to me

Before I could answer the bedroom door burst open, reviling Fabian, his hair was all messy and he had a worried look on his face

"Nina, I heard screaming....are-are you ok?" he breathed

I didn't answer, instead I jumped from my bed and into his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck squeezing my eyes shut, it took a minute but he then wrapped his arms around my waist holding me.

"It's ok" he whispered into my ear

"Thank you" I whispered back

We pulled away and Fabian have me one last hug before walking back to the door

"Are you sure your ok?" he asked, opening the door

I was so not ok!

I shook my head. No, and Fabian walked back over to me....he sat next to me on my bed and rubbed my back, I lay my head on his shoulder and Amber got back into bed and fell back to sleep

"Do you want me to sleep here with you?" Fabian whispered

I nodded my head and we climbed into bed, I lay down first and had one arm behind his head and the other laying on his stomach, I lay next to him putting my head near his shoulder and my hand over his heart, feeling his heart beat

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I fell into a safe dreamless sleep

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