Our Love Will Survive

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*(We're going to skip to Thursday) The Next Morning, Breakfast*

Nina's POV

This week was so stressful and boring. I had 4 English and Math exams, 2 History Assessments, 3 Science presentations and 5 French Homework's!

"I. Am. So. Exhorted!" Mick complained, rubbing his temples and sighing

"Who isn't?" Alfie asked, grabbing 3 pancakes and the syrup

"The younger grades" Jerome muttered. He looked awful!

We all did but the boys looked like zombies! They had to do all the school work and on top of that they have training....

I grabbed a green apple and a piece of toast and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"Where's the girls?" Jerome asked, drinking his milk

"Amber is still getting ready.....Patricia is probably waiting for Joy......and Mara is probably reading" I answered, biting into my apple

He nodded and the girls and Fabian entered a couple of minutes later....

*At School*

Fabian's POV

I walked to my locker like a zombie and got out my French, Math and Science Textbooks. I entered my Math class and sat next to Mick. (Nina is in a higher Math class) He smiled at me and the teacher cane in and started the lesson.....

*After Math*

"It's official. Math is Mental Abuse To Humans! Why did that plank give us more homework! It's bad enough that we have 5 French Homework's due in today!" Mick complained, waving his math sheet in the air

"I know. We do have lives outside of school!" I exclaimed as we entered Science.

I sat next to Nina and Mrs. Andrews started the lesson. I was too tired! My eyes kept fluttering shut then Mrs would should at me and I'd nearly fall out of my chair

"Alright class, please take out your homework! No excuses....Mick. Fabian"

I opened my backpack and started looking for my homework tiredly

Wait-No, no, no, no, no,!

Shi* I don't have it!

Ugh! I left it on my bed this morning!

Well done Rutter....!

"Mr. Rutter, your homework?" Mr. Andrews asked, holding out her hand

"Um....I-I don't have it...." I trailed off

She huffed and started writing something down on her clipboard

"Detention Mr. Rutter. This room, at lunch"

I rolled my eyes and slumped down in my chair.

Yay! Because I love Mrs. Andrews!

..... Not

*After French*


Fabian's POV

I was sitting in the drama area and watched as the teachers and pupils walked by.

I put my head uh my hands and sighed.

I could get kicked off the football team...

I could get kicked off every team in on!

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