Our Love Will Survive

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*The Next Day, Wednesday*

(A/N: should I Time Laps to the weekend?)

Fabian's POV:

I woke up to my alarm and went into the bathroom, taking my uniform and phone with me


I looked at my phone, after doing the buttons up on my shirt

1 new message: Dad

Dad: Your beatings will come soon....

Oh no....that means I'm going to have to take Nina with me....

No, no, no, no, no, no, no....

"Come on dude! I need a shower" Mick shouted, knocking on the door

I grabbed my blazer and put it on, taking my phone and putting it in the pocket.

"Ok, hang on....dude?" I rushed

He sighed and I put my dirty PJ's in the dirty clothes basket and opened the door, to see Mick in his PJ's half awake...

I walked into our room and texted my dad back

Fabian: ok....

Dad: good to see your not ignoring me.

Fabian: sorry

Dad: your pathetic, you know that right!

Fabian: yeah....

Dad: good.

I sighed, putting my phone in my trouser pocket and walked into the dining area to have breakfast

I sat in my usual seat, next to Mick and Nina and opposite Amber

"Aren't you going to eat Fabian?" Trudy asked, setting down a plate of scrabbled eggs

I picked at my bacon with my fork, stoping to look up at Trudy

"No....I'm not very hungry" I mumbled, getting up grabbing my bag and leaving for school

If I had stayed I would've seen Nina's worried face....

Nina's POV:

Something's up....

Fabian looked a bit stressed out about something. I'll talk to him later....

*On The Way To School*

Nina's POV

I started walking to school, alone until Amber shouted for me

"Hey Nina! wait up" Amber called

I stooped and waited for her to catch up, once she did we carried on walking to school discussing random things....

"And I was like "well he's my favourite too, so back off!" And she was like -"

"Amber, I get" I interrupted

She was going on about how her and this girl were arguing over Harry Styles

And the story was dragging on....

We got to our lockers and I put in my French book, Math folder and Science work sheets. Then waited for Amber

She grabbed her books and we headed to French....

*After First Lesson (French)*

Nina's POV

Something's really up.

Fabian wasn't in for first lesson and no one has seen him since breakfast this morning

"Hey Alfie! have you seen Fabian?" I asked, as Alfie left his last lesson

He shook his head and I nodded a thanks and kept looking for him....

*3rd Lesson Science*

Fabian still didn't show.... I'm starting to worry now. He wasn't in for 1st, 2nd or 3rd lesson and he skipped breakfast

"Alright class, get your work sheets out from yesterday and carry on." Mr. Sweet said, turning around to write on the board

Just then Fabian walked in and sat on the stool next to me, he smiled a small smile and took out his papers

"Hey, where were you?" I whisper/ asked

"I was in the Library after I left breakfast this morning and I got court up in a book." He whisper/answered

"Ok" I nodded

I didn't know if he was lying or not but he was a guy who liked his books - as well as his sport.....

*Last Lesson*

Nina's POV (still)

I headed to Drama with Amber and Patricia close behind and we sat on the little couches in the 'drama studio' A.K.A: were we eat lunch....

(That place with the stage, but if you don't know what I mean: it's that room were in season 1 they held the play were (SPOILER ALERT) Mick and Mara kiss)

"Good afternoon class! Today we'll be looking at different cultural plays. Does anyone know any?" Mr. Winkler said, sitting on the end of the stage with his bag and papers

"Aliens!" Alfie shouted out, earning a laugh from the class and Winkler

"No Alfie, I was thinking more of....Greek or Egyptian. More Culture instead of space next time" sir smiled at Alfie

"Now, I want you to get into small groups and start planning out a Cultural play....it could be romantic, action, comedy....anything you like!"

Everyone was getting I to groups and I just sat on the couch....waiting for someone to come to me.

"Hey Neens, do you want to group up with me, Patricia, Jerome, Alfie and your fiancée?" Amber said, grinning when she said 'your fiancée'

"Uh....yeah!" I blushed

We got out our pens and some paper and started planning our plays - well me, Fabian, Patricia and Amber were. Alfie and Jerome were messing around, playing with plastic swords they found in the drama cupboard....

"So what do you want are play to be about?" I asked my group (minus Jerome and Alfie)

"How about Egypt?" Fabian answered, from behind me

I turned around and smiled and we got working....

*Half An Hour Later*

Nina's POV

We finished writing the script and started to act it out and sort out the scenes, costumes etc....

"Amber, I need you to sort out the costumes" Fabian said, giving her a piece of paper

"Ok" she squealed running off to the dressing room

I shook my head and smiled

He doesn't now what he's done....

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