Our Love Will Survive

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"Come on dearies, it's time for supper!" Trudy called from the hall

Mara and Patricia entered and took their usual seats and started talking to the boys

Fabian was chuckling at Mick and he took a quick glance past me then looked back again. His mouth was open wide and his eyes were big, I frowned I turned to see the most horrible looking thing I've EVER seen.

Fabian's POV

Nina turned around to see what I was staring at and she just froze.

Joy was standing by the doorframe in a very short skirt, a black vest that showed the upper part of her 'chest'
(A/N: incase you didn't get that, her breasts) and ridiculously high heels!

One word came to mind.


"Alfie, eyes are up here" she smirked, sitting opposite me

Amber hit Alfie and the girls were all shocked at Joys outfit and the boys were staring. I cleared my throat and glared at the boys

They snapped back from 'Joy Land' and started eating the pasta that Trudy had given us


"Did someone die or....?" a vice said from behind Nina


I rolled my eyes and carried on eating my food. He walked in and put his hands on either sides of Nina's chair and I clenched me fist that wasn't holding a fork

"No hug Rutter" he smirked

"Why are you here Miller?" Mick snap at Eddie, Mick's arm was around Mara's chair as if he was protecting her and Eddie answered with:

"Well I was just going out for a run and I thought: why not pay a visit to my dear, dear friends....So here I am"

"We'll now you've seen us, there's the door. Hope you get hit by a bus on the way to Isis house" Jerome commented, gesturing to the hallway

"Oh come now Clarke, I thought we got past this little....squabble. Besides! you can have Patricia, I've moved on" Eddie said, he had moved over to the wall by the kitchen door and smirked and winked at Nina. Nina scoffed and rolled her eyes and carried on eating....

Anger was starting to boil in me and I stood from my chair and grabbed Eddie by his t-shirt.

"Don't. Ever! Look at her" I threatened, pushing him hard against the wall

"Oh my! What's going on here?' Trudy asked, her eyebrows raised at me and Eddie

"Nothing Trudy. Eddie was just leaving" I glared at Eddie, leaving go of his shirt and moving back so he could leave

He left and I didn't feel like eating anymore so I went to my room....

*1 Hours Later*


Fabian's POV

I was still in my room by the time everyone had finished supper. Mick didn't enter, he must be out with Mara and Nina or anyone hadn't knocked on my bedroom door yet. Which I appreciated

"Fabian, can I come in please?" Nina said, knocking ok the door

I put down a photo I was holding and got off my bed and opened the door...

"Hey" Nina said, weakly smiling at me

"Hi" I said

She entered and sat on Mick's bed and I sighed and sat on mine...

"Are....are you ok?" She asked

"I'm fine" I answered, smiling a little at her

"Great" she answered

She noticed the little photo on my bed and walked over. She sat next to me and frowned at the photograph

"Who is it?" she asked, looking up quickly then looking back at it

"It....um...its my mum. It was taken a week before she....past" I answered, looking at the photo

In the picture, she was with a 10 year old me and she was with me. She had brown hair like mine and green eyes, she was wearing a blue v-neck dress and was smiling at the camera

I smiled weakly at the photograph and Nina said:

"She's beautiful" she smiled at me

"Yeah, She was" I answered

Nina handed me the photo and I grabbed my wallet from my side table and opened it, sticking it back in the photo thing

"Who's that?" she asked, pointing at another photo I had in my wallet

My face fell and I answered

"That's my older sister. She...uh...died when I was 3" I answered, closing the wallet and putting it back on the table.

"Oh....I'm sorry" Nina whispered, putting her head on my shoulder and taking her hand in mine. I rested my head on hers and kissed her hair

"It's fine"

Authors Note

A bit sappy and romantic at the end but I'm guessing you guys want stuff like that :)


•Why was Eddie there?

•Will Fabina Last?

•When am I going to add the Fabina Wedding?

Leave your comments! I'm going for a pee, I'll see you in 3 (days) :D

Bai =]

- Kirstyn

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