Our Love Will Survive

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Authors Note:

Hey guys the story is coming to the end (but it isn't over yet) and I've write other stories too

So I wanted to ask....

Should I publish them? or delete them. There all HOA Fabina stories and I wanted to know your opinion

Comment please!

*Outside Fabian's Dads House"

Fabian's POV

Me and Nina were standing outside my dads house and I was a bit nervous

She could get hurt!

Take her back home Rutter!

She doesn't belong here!

"So, y-you want to go in?" I asked, nervously

She huffed and nodded

I entered first, Nina on my tail and I shouted for my dad

"Dad! it-it's Fa-Fabian-Um.....I've-I've brought a fr-friend" I stuttered, walking into the living room slowly

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL! WHERE ARE YOU?- Ah....Fabian-" He started, eyeing Nina carefully.....

"- I see you've brought a friend" He finished, looking Nina up and down

"Um....hello sir. I'm Nina Martin, Fabian's Girlfriend" she answered, holding out her hand for my dad to shack - which he didn't

Instead he stumbled over to the couch that was covered in bear bottles and old shot glasses.....

He's drunk. Great....!

My dad's hair was brown like mine, but was messy and it looked like he hadn't showered in 2 months. His clothes were all scraggy and messy. He wore a checkered shirt and grey vest underneath and blue jeans (which sagged) and his shoes were undone and dirty

"So, you've brought home yet another nosy girlfriend?" He slurred, taking a sip from of his bear can

"She's not nosy. She-She cares...unlike you. Dad!" I spat

Which I soon regretted. He glared at me and started walking towards us, he pointed his finger at me and grabbed his pocket knife from the coffee table

"You. Are. Pathetic! You and you stupid little girlfriend! Did you bring her here for 'protection' or did she come to watch" He smirked at Nina

"No. We're - I'm here because you need help! You can't blame your son for your wife's death. He didn't cause it! You have to get over it - move on!" Nina exclaimed, stepping in front of me slightly

"Why you little....." He trailed off, raising the knife, ready to stab her in the stomach....

My eyes went wide. He was going to stab her! I stepped in front of her and the knife went strait into my stomach

I gasped in pain and I fell to my knees, my right hand on the wooden floor and my other holding my wound

"Leave her....a-alone" I managed to say

"Fabian" Nina gasped, she kneeled next to me but I put my arm in front of her so my dad couldn't get to her

"You know Fabian. She is only trying to protect you son." My dad smirked, playing with the blood covered knife

God knows how I'm still kneeling and not dead on the floor but I'm glad he can't get to Nina....

"I don't....don't...care! She's not....dying for-for me" I moaned in pain

"Aww does Fabian think he's in love" my dad smirked, with an evil chuckle

"Shut....shut up!" I exclaimed, glaring at him

He walked back around the couch and behind us, cycling us. He stopped behind me and kicked Nina to the ground

Anger boiled inside of me but I was too weak to do anything


"Fabian....don't listen to him. You don't have to save me, you can save yourself. Be happy. Just....AHHH!" Nina cried as my dad kicked her ribs

She had tears rolling down her cheeks and all I wanted to do was hold her. Dad walked back over to me and pushed my to the groaned and started kicking my stomach wound and ribs

I moaned and cried in pain trying to had my face from Nina

"AHHH! UGHHH! Dad....please!" I cried

He stopped kicking me and lifted me back up by my hair. Which hurt. He made me look at Nina, who was lying on the floor holding were he kicked her

"Look at her Fabian, she's young and pretty. Don't you want her to love a happy life? and not with a fool like you" he mumbled into my ear

He was right.

she needed someone with a good family and someone who could give her a future.

I couldn't do any of those things. I'm just pathetic and weak! I'm not going to be able to give her a future, she can't be tied down to me.

"Fabian, please don't listen to him. Your not a fool....please just....listen to me. You can give me and yourself a future if you stop listening to him" Nina whispered to me, tears rolling from her eyes

"Oh please! He couldn't give you a future if his life depended on it! He's NOTHING and once you open your eyes and see that, then you won't even want to know him!" My dad shouted at Nina, walking over to her and digging the pocket knife down her arm, leaving a trickle a of blood roll down her arm and t-shirt

She cried in pain and he dug it in deeper and I had to lie here and watch


The wound was starting to bleed again and it KILLED, I groaned in pain and fell to the floor, holding my stomach

He leaned over me and smirked, shacking his head

"You never listen do you? you just keep making a fool out of yourself. I bet you don't even know" He mumbled again

"Leave her alone." I whispered, glaring at him

He got up from were he crouched over me and started laughing. He walked over to Nina and yanked her up by her forearm. She cried in pain as he pushed her over to a wooden kitchen chair

He tied her to arms behind her back and tied her legs together and walked back to me. I had gained enough strength to stand up - but I bent over in pain. The blood staining my hand

"Leave her....alone!" I exclaimed, hobbling over to Nina

My body was aching and I felt like I was on fire! But I had to protect Nina

"Oh no you don't!" My dad said, kicking me to the ground, my head hit the doorframe and everything started to spin and I blacked out....

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