i. silent treatments

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— J A E D E N
- "hey what's wrong?"
- "y/n"
- "y/n"
- "y/n?"
- you still don't give a single fuck
- "hey? are we okay?"
- will try everything just to get your attention

— W Y A T T
- "y/n, talk to me"
- "please?"
- "y/n"
- will give you comforting hugs
- ^you'll try your best to not fall for it
- he'll sit in a corner and think about what he done
- will sometimes go with your silence

— F I N N
- "y/n?"
- "please give me attention"
- "what have I done now?"
- he'll try his best just to solve the problem right away
- "y/n look at me"
- ^ still ignoring him
- guilt is washing over him

— J A C K
- "will you please give your attention to me?"
- he'll be annoyed
- he doesn't know what he did
- will not bother you that much
- "fine, i'll wait till you talk to me"

— C H O S E N
- "y/n, what have I done?"
- "could you please say something?"
- "hey?"
- "hey?"
- will not stop till both of you are okay
- such an angel

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