ix. you walk in on them changing

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— J A E D E N

- screams in wEaBoO
- "omg sorry!"
- traumatized boi
- "for pete's sake y/n! knock!"
- "it's like this!"
- ^ giving you a tutorial on how to knock
- "it was an accident jaeden, stop being such a drama queen."
- "yeah, but it's called 'pRiVAcY'!"
- ^ with a matching quotation w/ his fingers

— W Y A T T

- "wyatt wanna go ea-"
- "holy cow!"
- ^ him being surprised sm
- once he realized it was you, he smirked fucking immediately
- "like what you see huh?"
- "as if,"
- "i know you like it."
- ^ horny asshole
- "in your dreams oleff."

— F I N N

- "finn can you turn down your mus-"
- he grabs his clothes immediately and wore them like the flash
- "CaN'T yOu knOcK?!"
- him being so pissed
- but you just laughed it off
- ^ cuz you loved his reaction
- he's like a paranoid bitch
- you like teasing him abt it

— J A C K

- "AHHHHH!!"
- "WAHHHH!!"
- you were both surprised and shocked at each other
- ^ to the point you were both screaming
- "oh my god y/n!"
- "lock the door jack!"
- "iTs my FAuLt tHeN?!"
- "but you know we could-"
- ^ him biting his lip and winkin' at ya
- "NO."
- ^you walk out

— C H O S E N

- "oh my y/n!"
- "sorry!"
- ^you exit the room as fast as you could
- this boi blushes so fucking hard
- wouldn't want to mention what happened anytime and anywhere

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