vi. interviews

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the interviewer asks about you

— J A E D E N

- soft voice hehe
- "so us fans, is waiting for updates between you and y/n, so anything to say?"
- ^blushes like a whole lot
- keeps it lowkey
- "uh, um, everything's going fine,"
- ^ wants to keep your relationship a little private
- "that's all? just fine?"
- "yeah, she's a really lovely girl, and very caring,"
- "okay then, what if she's watching this right now, do you have somethin' to say?"
- "um yeah sure, hi my love! um, just wanna say i love you and i miss you already,"
- ^ you being a whole ass heart meme ' cause you're so lucky

— W Y A T T

- keeps it cool
- but still caring with his words
- "before we took off, anything to say to your girlfriend?"
- ^ the whole audience smirked and had cheeky grins
- just smiles and blushes
- "yea, uh, hello y/n, um how ya doin? and i love you!"
- ^ with a flying kiss
- the whole audience purr in awe

— F I N N

- "so, how's your relationship with
- he keeps fiddling his fingers and couldn't stay put at his seat
- looks everywhere so much
- he blushes like a whole lot
- he chuckles alot
- handles it like a grinning bitch
- "yea, yea, yea"
- "she's very sweet, nice, and does not know how to cook for the life of her,"
- ^ all the audience laughs
- "yea, yeaaa, i swear!"
- "but i still love her, and her pizza deliveries always turn out amazing!"
- "so it was fine dealing with that,"
- "but overall, uh, i still love her and hope to spend more time with her soon."

— J A C K

- "anything to say to your girlfriend?"
- soooooo CoNfIdEnT
- talks alot about you
- "sure! uh, hey y/n, just wanna say i love you so much, and i'm sorry for some things i've done and say and i hope we stay together, cause i know you're the one!"
- ^ flying kiss
- the audience 'awed'
- you didn't know what to feel you were crying, and laughing at the same time
- ^ crying cause you were touched
- ^ laughing cause you know how much of an horny asshole and pervert he was

— C H O S E N

- just a whole ass uwu
- stays humble & kind
- handles it like a love pro
- "i love you! and i adore you! you're so beautiful and i'll support you in whatever you do!"
- you awe watching the tv and felt warm in your heart
- you were so grateful

an | holy shit guys i'm running out of sparkle thingies i put on my stories

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