x. they walk in on you changing

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— J A E D E N

- "holy shit jaeden!"
- "no, no, continue what you're doing."
- ^ he has a growing smirk on his goddamn face
- "no! and i thought you know about KnOcKinG?!"
- "oh yeah right, my bad."
- "hell jaeden leave!"
- he would just lean against the doorframe watching you
- he wouldn't leave unless you force him too

— W Y A T T

- "y/n, do you want to pla-"
- ^ dis boi is blushing once he saw you
- "you know what i'll come back later.."
- "yeah damn right ramen boy."
- ^ he left
- "you know what i changed my mind."
- ^ comes back in
- "WhAt THe FuCK WyAtT?!"

— F I N N

- "holy shit what happened to you?"
- ^ finn busting in
- "oh my god finn! get out!"
- "damn y/n.."
- "finn i said leave!"
- "i should see you like this more."
- "finn i said get out!"
- ^ you push him out, since he won't get out
- he'll tease you abt it alot
- gets horny every time he brought it up

— J A C K

- "oooh la la.."
- ^ jack was watching the whole time
- "oh my! jack!"
- ^ stares at you hungrily ( but in a joking way )
- "leave jack!"
- "do you really want me to leave?"
- ^ smirks alot
- "yes now leave!"
- "i doubt it."
- you push him out of the room
- he kept bringing up the topic

— C H O S E N

- "y/n? are you her-"
- "oh my gosh!"
- ^ you covered up as fast as you could
- "sorry, now i know you're here."
- "i'm sorry y/n.."
- ^ he left
- he doesn't make a big deal about it
- ^ but in all power you both don't want to talk about it hehe

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