xx. premieres with them

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- "you look amazing y/n,"
- constantly checks up on you if you're okay
- much more comfortable around you
- kept flirting with ya
- ^ but a complete gentleman

- "woah, you're so beautiful.."
- he has some of those anime blushies
- he'll put his arm around you always
- right amount of pda
- is very gentle and cautious around you

- "wow, you look wonderful,"
- asks every second if you're okay or not
- shows you to everyone
- he's very comfortable around you
- ^ since you're the only that can ease his anxiety
- keeps whispering stuff at you that makes you laugh
- always put a hand around your waist

- "y/n, you're so pretty,"
- ^ bitch he amused
- always compliments you every now and then
- wants you to have a fun time
- ^ and you did!
- lOts oF pDA

- "you look so good in that baby"
- smiles uncontrollably
- shows you off to almost everyone
- a bIG gentleman !
- stays beside you the whole night

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