xiv. under the table fun

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the cast is meeting your parents and you decided to have some fun ;))

- your hand was resting at his thigh and he literally gave you a death glare
- "uh, what are you doing y/n?"
- ^ he whisper-shouted
- "what? i'm not doing anything.."
- "y/n stop it please?"
- you kept palming him to the point he was basically shifting at his seat second by second
- "Y/N I SAID NO."
- ^ but you could tell he was enjoying it yet he was dreading it at the same time
- "can i excuse myself mom?"
- ^ you stood up and gave jaeden a signal
- "that was a big mistake love."

- your hand crept up to his covered member
- "y/n? stop what you're doing right now.."
- "come on, i want to have a little fun"
- "that 'fun' of yours is going to cost us our relationship."
- ^ he spoke through gritted teeth
- "hm, depends on how you handle it,"
- you kept rubbing until he was fully erect
- "i kind of don't feel eating mom, i have to go to my room"
- you stood up your seat and gave your dumbfounded boyfriend a wink
- "you're going to regret that y/n."

- you rubbed his inner thighs until you get to his area
- "holy shit y/n, what are you doing?"
- "what are you talking about?"
- you kept palming him until he released a moan
- "mmm! this food is so good mrs. y/l/n, twelve out of ten!"
- ^ nice save finnlard
- you excused yourself and as you were about to stand up you heard finn whisper something to you
- "dick move baby, gonna have to punish you later."

- you him rubbed all over the place
- ^ & let me tell you, it was driving him crazy
- "y/n, as much as i love seeing you like this, i have to act prim and proper to your parents."
- you kept palming him and he kept shuffling at his seat
- "uh, are you okay jack?"
- ^ your dad asked
- you kept rubbing until you received a sound from him
- "uHUH, yep- yea, i'm alright"
- you thought that it was enough and you excused yourself then stood up
- "you're so going to get it later y/n."


- you kept massaging his inner thighs and area
- "y/n what're you doing?"
- "hm? what?"
- "your parents are literally right there,"
- you kept doing that until you knew he's member was poking his pants
- you stopped, excused yourself, and stood from your seat
- "oh? so that's how it is huh? i'll have to do what needs to be done then."

an | this was literally so fun to write !

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