xxiii. kinks

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warning bishes !
[ read at ya own risk ]
♡ hair pulling
♡ daddy kink
♡choking kink
♡ handcuffs
♡ blindfolds

- hair pulling : sURE
^ does it when he gets the chance
- daddy kink : uhm okAY i guesS?
^ 50/50 for it
- choking kink : yes / no
^  loves the idea but he might hurt you so no
- handcuffs : fREAKY SHIT I LIKE THAT
^ thinks its a little hentai-y so he loves it
- blindfolds : nah
^ wants you to take it all in by sight as well

- hair pulling : hELL TO TF YEAH
^ who are we kidding? he loves it
- daddy kink : what did you just say?
^ shows you that he doesn't support it but bitch he lowkey likes it
- choking kink : YES
^ he does it, but not all the time
- handcuffs : noped
^ not a fan of it
- blindfolds : YEAH TF
^ he likes teasing you a lot so yep

- hair pulling : HELL YEAH
^ you know you getting the good when he does this
- daddy kink : CALL ME DADDY Y/N
^ enjoys the crap out of it
- choking kink : FUCK YEAH
^ does it a lot more often than he intends to
- handcuffs : sure why not
^ he kinda loves the idea
^ his reaction says it all tbh

- we don't need to elaborate each one we all know he LOVES THEM ALL
- he'll even probably do it all at the same time

- you have been stopped
- aye he good okay?
- keyword : p  u  r  e

an | kinda wanna do a row of some smutty preferences whatcha' think?

IT cast preferences | vol. iiWhere stories live. Discover now