xviii. submissive role pt. ii

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read the last preference.
what happens after making him the submissive for once.
( kinky shit again )

- you finished being in control ;)
- "get these off please y/n?"
- you get the key and took the handcuffs off of him
- after you did he pinned you down
- "let's rephrase it again shall we y/n?"

-  you finished being the dominant one
- "take this off y/n."
- ^ he tugged on the handcuffs
- you unlocked it and once you did he pins both your wrist down
- " you shouldn't have done that
y/n, gonna have to punish you baby."

- you just finished being the one in control
- "now get me off of these y/n."
- ^ he kept tugging on the handcuffs
- after getting the key and taking it off him
- he pinned you down with his hand holding your throat ;)
- "looks like its going to be a long night for you princess."

- after you finished being the dominant one he kept tugging the handcuffs
- "please take it off"
- you got the key and remove it from him
- he instantly pinned your hands above your head
- "tough luck baby, i'm going to show you who's best."

- wink wonk whatcha expect?

an | k i'm done i have to swim in holy water after writing THREE CHAPTERS OF SMUTTINESS WTF

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