ii. seeing you in a bikini

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their first time seeing you

— J A E D E N
- his eyes will stare in pure lust
- "woah!"
- he'll blush a little
- he'll be strict sometimes
- stuck with you, like all the time
- "jaeden, you don't have to go to the bathroom with me"
- "just being sure?"
- "this is for women!"
- "well, no one will see me,"
- "fuck off jaeden,"
- "if you want?"
- ^ winks
- horny boi

— W Y A T T
- turned fucking on
- eyes wide asf
- jaw dropped
- ^ he'll act like it didn't happen
- "wow y/n, you l-look, uh uh, um"
- "oh wyatt,"
- "i want to see you like this more,"
- "sure thing lover boy"
- like jaeden, he's stuck with you
- making sure no one's eye is onto you

— F I N N
- shook ass bitch
- "y/n, you look.."
- ^ you blushing
- "soo?"
- "hot!"
- smacking his shoulder
- "ow! what's that for?"
- "why 'hot'?"
- "what? i'm just telling the truth!"
- "ugh, pervert."
- "well atleast i'm a pervert for you."
- "what the hell?"
- ^ this conversation turns to a whole new level of dirtiness
- periodt.

— J A C K
- well, let's just say..
- Jack is 10x worse than Finn
- more dirty
- much sexual
- horny fucking asshole
- "y/n.."
- "woah,"
- "you look good in those,"
- "but they'll look even more better in the hotel bathroom floor,"

— C H O S E N
- will try so hard to make you not notice his blushing
- trying so hard to not act flattered
- a little shy
- he'll compliment you every now and then
- "y/n, you look so pretty.."
- ^ scratches the back of his neck
- when he sees someone staring at you he'll cover you up with a towel

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