xiv. they're stressed

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what happens when they're stressed because of work

- you were both at a hotel
- ^ it was raining outside
- you noticed that jaeden was sitting at the foot of his bed with his hand tugging his hair
- he seemed so tired
- you walk over and once he saw you he immediately sat up
- "u-uh hey babe,"
- "are you okay?"
- "uhm, no,"
- "you need help?"
- "i'm a-a little stressed,"
- you sat beside him and talked you why he was stressed
- ^ it was the press tours, the shooting etc.
- you hugged him, his head resting on your shoulder
- "you'll be fine, once those are over, we'll go on a short break okay?"
- you can feel his smile at the crook of your neck
- "thank you so much y/n, you help me out with everything, i love you.."
- the rest of the day consists of bonding, and deep talks
- ^ he loved it very much, at least he got to forget the stress for a short time with ya :))

- you went to his house
- ^ his mom invited you because he's been down lately
- you stopped in front of his door
- ^ you saw your boyfriend sitting at a sofa with his hands covering his face
- you finally had the guts to go inside
- he saw you, and started brushing himself
- "are you alright wy?"
- "yea-yea, perfectly good.."
- ^ he sighed, you raised your eyebrow
- "you don't seem so well,"
- "i-its just, just work stuff nothing too important"
- you leaned in front of him since he wasn't looking directly to you
- "if its making you this down, it maybe important?"
- he finally gave in and spoke about the stress he's been having
- the press, interviews, the criticism etc.
- you sat at his one leg with your arms around him, playing with his hair
- "you can do this, i know you will, and you always do.."
- ^ he finally faced you and smiled weakly
- "we can take a vacay after this if you want?"
- he smiled now, and pecked your lips
- "thank you y/n, you mean alot to me, i love you so much baby.."
- you cuddled for a while, and made the day a little relaxing for you two

- you came over to finn's house
- ^ since he wasn't answering your calls & texts so you got concerned
- you reached finn's door
- ^ you heard frustrated sounds of deep sighs and groans
- you slowly opened the door not making it all the way open
- you peaked, and saw finn at his bed
- his head leaning at his headboard, his hands tugging his hair and will sometimes cover his face
- you finally went inside, finn looked so surprised he stood up and towered over to you
- "what're you doing here?"
- "what do you mean? you weren't answering my texts, are you okay?"
- "i-i'm fine.."
- "you're lying, you're my boyfriend, i know when something is up."
- "i'm just stressed, nothing all bad.."
- "can you talk to me about it?"
- he caught you off guard by hugging you tightly, and you could feel the tension he currently has
- you guys walked over to the bed and snuggled close to one another
- he talked to you about what's keeping him stress
- "this will end soon finn, just keep hanging on okay? i'm gonna help you through this alright?"
- you pecked his lips and you both pulled away with smiles
- "y/n? can you come with me at my press tomorrow?"
- "sure, anything.."
- "i love you so much, i hope you know that,"
- "i always do finn, always do."

- you came over at his hotel room
- ^ he invited you, but you came earlier than he expected
- you had a card key of his room
- you went in and find your boyfriend looking so down
- ^ his hand or his arm covering his face from time to time
- once he saw you he brushed himself and pretended like he was okay
- "uh h-hi y/n, you came over early.."
- "yea, it seems like i went the wrong time?"
- "no, no, it's fine.."
- "could you tell me about it jack?"
- "tell you what?"
- "i saw, you can tell me, maybe i can help you"
- "what are you talking about? i'm perfectly fine."
- ^ he keeps denying the fact that he's not stressed out
- "please? you can tell me what it is.."
- he finally gives in and told you
- ^ once again, the work, the drama, the press, social media
- "you can get over it jack, we'll be fine.."
- ^ his head laying at your legs and brushing his hair
- "thank you y/n.."
- "for what?"
- "for always helping me out,"
- "of course, anything.."
- "i love you so fucking much."
- you spend the day having deep talks about probably everything
- ^ he forgot about the stress for quite little time, which he thanked you for

- he wanted to talk to you about it
- so you went to his house
- "are you okay baby?"
- "yea, i just wanted to talk to you about something,  i really need your help.."
- "of course.."
- you both sat down and he starts talking
- you could feel the stress he has within his words
- "you know what? i know you can do it, i saw how strong you are, you can get pass this, and if you do, we'll go on a small trip.."
- ^ you winked and he smiled
- he hugged you tightly
- ^ like he needed it for a long time
- you both spend your day, chilling out & some cute stuff

an | i just wanna apologize for the chosen stans, i know he deserved a longer one, but that's just my idea sooo.. don't attack me please :)

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