01 | Red's Daughter

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VISIONS WENT through her mind of her mom.It broke Poppy's heart as her mom couldn't even Remember her.Luckily, for Poppy, Hook took her in before the evil queen struck the curse in the forbidden forest.That was only when Poppy was ten.Years later she returned to Storybrooke,hoping to see her mom again.But Poppy didn't know about the curse.She only thought her mom gave her to Hook for a babysit or something.But she was wrong.


Poppy,after a very long drive, arrived at Storybrooke.She had no clue where she currently was or how to get where she wanted.She saw a little boy around 11 walking by her.She approached him,causing him to look up from the book he was currently reading.

"Hi,do you know where little red riding hood is?"She asked with a smile.The Boys Eyebrows knitted together.After a long pause,his eyes widened.He quickly glanced at his book then back up at her.

Poppy did look a little different then her in the book.For instance, she had normal teenage clothes on,given to her from Hook.But she happened to be wearing a red coat.Not a cape,but a coat,cause it was so cold out.

"Are you her daughter?"He asked with raised eyebrows.She nodded a yes to him.His mouth gaped open in surprise.

"So you didn't get hit by the curse?"He asked again but more anxiously.The brunette gave him a strange look.

"What curse?"She furrowed her eyebrows.His eyes widened.

"You don't know about the Curse?The evil queen hit everyone in the forbidden forest with a curse,making everyone forget about there past life.There all normal now.Including your mom"He explained hesitantly.She couldn't believe what she just heard.And she couldn't believe she actually believed him.

"She can't possibly forget about her daughter"Poppy shrugged.The boy was about to interfere but she had already walked off.He sighed knowing how this was going to end up.

Poppy had been wondering around the town all day and finally saw the women she was looking for in a window.Poppy's breath got caught in her throat as she saw her mother after 7 years.She walked in front of a door leading into a cafe.She walked into the cafe seeing people chatting.The women was cleaning off the counter.

Poppy made her way to the counter a took a seat.She grabbed the menu and looked through it.Her eyes widened at the much better food they had here than on the Jolly Roger.

"Hello,what can I get for you?"The women asked with a smile.Poppy looked up meeting eyes with a women she called mom.Poppy wanted to ask so many questions but she had to keep it calm.

"Do you know me?"Poppy blurted out.The women looked at her confused.

"I'm sorry I don't think I do."She responded.That broke Poppy's heart.Poppy's once beaming eyes now only held sadness and lost hope.

"Oh I'm sorry.I'm new to town,My names Poppy"She said and gave the women a small smile.

The women smiled back,"Welcome to Storybrooke Poppy,I'm Ruby"She introduces herself.

Poppy cleared her throat,"I'll just have a hot chocolate please"Ruby nodded with a smile before taking her menu and walking out.

After getting her drinking and sitting there,Poppy decided it would be better for her to go.So after paying she left and headed back to the Jolly Roger.Her eyes were blurry.She hated that her mother said she didn't know her straighter to her face.Poppy thought has lost all her hope.And it would never come back.


Poppy was seated in her sleeping chambers, under the deck.Her bum was on her bed and her hands were placed on her lap.Almost every time she slept she would remember that day over and over again.It was like torturing her.And she didn't even know who her father was.All she had was Hook and this crew,who half  didn't even like her.

The ship made a sharp turn causing Poppy to fall on the floor,very hard.She groaned,her chin had hit the hard wooden floor.She hoisted herself up with her hands.For a minute she had trouble standing up but eventually steadied herself.She stomped out of her sleeping chamber and up onto the deck.She made her way over to Hook who was steering the ship.

"Excuse me?"She spoke as she was now standing behind him.He didn't look back.

"We are setting corse for a more vile place,now"He announced.She gave him an eye roll.

"And where is that,that made you make me fall face flat on the floor"She asked with annoyance tainted in her voice.

"Never land"He responded with a sickly grin.Poppy's eyes almost popped out of head.

"Wait really?C-Could I come with you on the island?"She asked her voice cracking.

Poppy has always wondered about Neverland and it's adventures.But she had heard of Peter Pan and the lost boys.Like Hook said,he's a bloody demon.And Poppy knew not to trust him.

"And What makes you think your capable of it?"Hook asked with a smirk.Poppy glared at him.

She crossed her arms,"Don't know if this crossed your mind but I'm quiet handy with a bow and arrow."She sassed at him.He let out a chuckle.

"If you insist, Than I guess you could come with us"He sighed.Poppy smiled in victory,while walking up next to him.

"So why are we going there anyway?"She asked curiously, looking ahead at the ocean.

"We're making a deal with the devil"He said with a frown.Then there were groans of agony coming from one of the sleeping quarters.

Poppy looked down in worry.One of there fellow pirates had gotten seriously sick and they did not have the right medicine for him.Poppy was guessing when Hook said their making a deal with the devil,she thought Pan.Poppy could understand that he had the medicine and not them.And she knew Hook would only go to him as a last resort.Even though Poppy had never met this Pan, she already knew she didn't want to even associate with him.

"We should reach there by Morning tomorrow Ma'lady"Hook said with a smirk.She nodded than headed back to her sleeping quarters.She knew she's have to rest up for tomorrow,but she was afraid that she couldn't with her Nightmares.


I know this chapter is very short and boring but I promise next chapter will be worth your wild.After I re-read the chapter over it's just plain out crap.

gif is Poppy talking to Hook and getting annoyed by him.

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