09| natives

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09. | natives


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HER EYES SHOT OPEN,THE FEELING OF BEING DAZED TAKING most of her.This was when she realized her surroundings were different.She was sprawled out on the floor her wrists and ankles shacked together with metal cuffs, that were attached to the wall she was leaning on.Dirt was covering must of her body, and she could feel stained tears on her face.She glanced down at her ankle, immediately regretting it once she took a peak.She quickly shifted her eyes to look at the environment around her.

The ground beneath her was mostly dirt and stone and the walls around her were just a stone that looked very old and run down.There was a cobblestone door on the opposite side of the room where she was sitting.It had a small opening on the top but had bar cells in the opening for safety reasons and communication perhaps.

Poppy let out strangled coughs, her lungs still full of the smoke she had earlier inhaled.Her chest went up and down pretty heavily.All Poppy wished was she was seated in front of a roasting fire, cuddled in a blanket and drinking some warm tea.So she could feel the warmth of the fire hit her chestnut skin, and dream of beautiful places.

Poppy closed her eyes having a ghost of smile on her face as she thought of beautiful, gorgeous places, she wishes to someday go.Or how things could've gone, like her and her mother living a perfect life.Thats when reality hit her.Nothing, was perfect.She, wasn't perfect.Her life wasn't perfect.She frowned, her mind bringing back memories off when she was left on this horrible island, people call home.She also remembered what she told herself while sitting in that tree.She was a warrior, the one thing that would fight to survive.Her eyes opened when she heard the old stone door creak open, revealing a young women around Poppy's age, following by a man, who looked like a leader in Poppy's eyes.

The young women and Man has on face makeup, almost like camouflage.A couple seconds later and other women came through wearing armer, standing protectively in front of the man.

"This is the wolf gona?" The women with armor questioned a sneer covering most four her face, clearly not impressed of the helpless girl on the floor.The Man had no emotion on his face as he also stared at the girl, who had her head half high, glaring at all of them.

The man put a gentle hand on the angry girls shoulder, moving around her.She was about to protest but he stopped her and moving closer to Poppy.He stood in front of her, holding a long stick.

"What is your name?"He demanded, but yet still being gentle then the other girl was.Poppy stayed silent, glaring at him.

"Sir, She could be helping Pan.We saw her with him not too long ago."The women commented, Poppy sent her a glare her way as well.

✓ 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗱, peter panWhere stories live. Discover now