Ch.2 Meeting (LewisPV)

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"Good luck honey, we love you!" My mom shouted from the kitchen as I picked up my binder and made my way outside. I exhaled loudly when I saw my "girlfriend's" car parked across the street. I was supposed to take my dad's green SUV, but he had gotten called into work. "You ready?" She asked with her fake smile as I got into the front seat. I nodded as I buckled my belt and waited for her to drive.

I'd been with her for about 2months, but in reality, I did it out of pity. The girl I had been dating for 3 years cheated on me with one of my best friends. Hurt and angry I rebounded with this one. I met her at church where I'd play in the choir. I knew she had a thing for me but honestly, I didn't find her attractive. Everything about her was basic. Her looks, her mentality, even her voice was basic. When she asked me out, I was so heart-broken and wounded that I said yes.

Two months have passed and we haven't even kissed, which is a good thing because the very thought of it makes me gag. It wasn't the fact that she was overweight that put me off. It was her rotten attitude. The other day she ordered two large pizzas for us when we were watching movies in my room. At 135lbs, there's no way I'm going to finish an entire pizza by myself. But instead of offering my family a slice, she brought both of them up and took the extra one home. That really pissed me off. I didn't even know why I was still with her, mostly because she gave me rides to wherever I needed to go.

After an eternal car ride, we finally made it to the Kmart where my interview was scheduled. I had applied for a seasonal position so I could help my family around the house and gain some form of work experience. This job would be a place holder while my dad worked on getting me into the company he worked for. "Want me to wait for you?" Margie asked as I stepped out of the car, I shrugged as I slammed the door behind me and made my way inside.

"Welcome to Kmart, may I assist you with something?" The small door greeter asked with a smile. She was an older lady, with greying hair and a red Kmart vest. "Uh...I'm here for an interview?" I asked unsurely. "Oh, right this way!" She enthused as she led me to the front desk. "What's your name?" She asked with a smile. "Lewis..." I trailed off. "Nice to meet you Lewis, my name is Marlene and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask..." I nodded as she turned and made her way back to the front of the store.

"Hello, how may I assist you?" A tall and curvy woman with a name tag that read Jessie stood behind the counter. She wore a royal blue crew neck and black work pants. She had long, curly black hair and a beauty mark by her top lip. "I'm for an interview?" I began nervously. "Give me a sec..." she said as she picked up the receiver and dialed a number. "Ricky, there's a young man here for an interview..." she said into the receiver. "Name?" She asked me as she covered the mouth piece with her manicured hands. "Uh...Lewis..." I said as I placed my black binder on the counter top.

After a few seconds she hung up. "I'll escort you to the office in a bit, let me just finish this online order and I'll be right with you..." I nodded and leaned my back against the counter as I looked around. Lots of toys and items were piled up next to the service desk. My heart nearly stopped when I turned towards the entrance and laid eyes on her for the first time. "Woah..." I whispered to myself as she made her way towards us.

Her ebony hair was tied in a low ponytail that reached her lower back, she wore a tight, navy polo that accentuated her tiny waist. She wore black, form fitting dickies and carried her red lanyard lazily in her hand. Her golden eyes were lined with black cat liner and a light pink gloss saturated her pouty lips.

I stared at her awe-stricken, my heart drumming in my ears as I tried to act casual. "Hey Jessie..." she muttered as she laid her head on the counter. "Are you sick again?" The lady behind the counter asked as she placed a hand on her hip. The nameless beauty shook her head as she glanced at all the stuff that was piled up around us.

"I'll be upstairs..." she muttered as she turned to make her way past me. "Oh Hannah, can you please take this gentleman upstairs to HR Ricky's office? He has an interview..." My body froze in place as she turned her golden eyes towards me. She nodded, then motioned with her free hand for me to follow. Quickly, I grabbed my binder and followed behind. My hands began to clam up as I stole glances at her from the corner of my eye. She was carrying a sketchbook.

"Woah, you like Kingdom Hearts?" I asked instinctively when I laid eyes on the cover. KH had been one of my favorite video games since I was 8. "Uh...yea, you?" She asked as we made our way through the pantry department. I nodded as she opened up her book and showed me another drawing. "Woah, did you draw that?" I asked as I took the book from her hands and flipped through it curiously. "Y-yea, I draw a bit..." she trailed off sheepishly.

"You're very talented..." I mused as I handed back the book, we had finally reached the back of the store. "I can't draw for shit, the only thing I can do efficiently is play the guitar..." I chuckled as we made our way up the grey steps. "You're a musician? That's really cool!" She enthused as we walked down the hallway. When we reached the office, she waved goodbye as I walked inside and closed the door.

I went through the motions with the manager. After signing some documents, he shook my hand and welcomed me to the team. As I made my way towards the front of the store, I caught a glimpse of Hannah, on register one. A smile spread across my face as I walked behind her register and made my way out of the store. "How was your interview?" Margie asked as I got in the car. I stared out my window with a smile. "I think I just met the girl of my dreams..."

My Kmart Love (Based On True Events)Where stories live. Discover now