Ch.29 Recovery(LewisPV)

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The surgery took an hour and forty minutes and all I could do was pace back and forth. I nearly jumped when the doctor came out of the operating room. "Doctor, how is she?" I asked anxiously. "The surgery was a success and I managed to save her ovary. Which means you won't have any trouble becoming a father" she said with a smile as she patted my shoulder. My face turned crimson when she said that. "You may go see her now, she's in recovery. She'll be waking from the anesthesia shortly" she said as she took off her mask and walked back into the operating room.

I made my way quickly into her room and closed the curtain behind me. There was a different nurse in the room, barely beginning her shift. "You must be the boyfriend. Nice to meet you, my name is Ruth" she said as she shook my hand. She was a small Asian woman with black hair and a pixie cut. She had a friendly smile and gentle hands.

"You look terrible! You can't let your girlfriend wake up and see you with such an ugly face! Go lay down on those chairs over there!" She instructed as she pointed to a smaller, empty waiting room just across the hall. There was a white sheet laid out over the chairs and a packaged sandwich on top of the sheet. "Is that for me?" I asked as I pointed to the sandwich. "Go, she'll be okay. You still have 40mins until she wakes up. Eat and get sleep..." she instructed as she went back to typing on the computer.

That sandwich had to be the best I had tasted in years. Considering that I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours, it made sense. Afterwards, I laid down for what seemed like a minute and closed my eyes wearily. I must've dozed off because when I opened my eyes, an hour had passed. "Okay...try it again dear..." the nurse's voice drifted into the waiting room. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. It took me a second to remember where I was.

After stretching out a bit, I stood up and made my way over to where she stood, next to Hannah. "She's awake?" I asked anxiously as I stared at her. "Yes, but something's not right..." Ruth trailed off fretfully just as the doctor arrived. "Hey..." I whispered as she turned her face towards me. "H-hey..." she rasped weakly. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I caressed her forehead. "D-dizzy..." she muttered, her head swaying back and forth. Her face was paler than a sheet of paper and clammy. My heart sank as her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Her monitor started beeping.

"Nurse?!" I called anxiously as I stared at her. I glanced back at the nurse as she made her way over with the doctor. She silenced the machine and walked over to Hannah's other side. "Hey...wake up dear..." she said softly as she tapped her cheek. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes again. "Show me please" the doctor instructed. Ruth nodded as she placed a gentle hand on Hannah's back.

"Okay dear, you're going to try to sit up, okay? If you can sit up without feeling dizzy, we'll let you go home..." she nodded softly. "On three you're going to get up slowly okay?" Ruth instructed. "One, two, three..." I watched as she tried to sit up with the nurse's support, but half-way her eyes would roll back in her head and she would lose consciousness.

They repeated these exercises 3 times. On the third, the Doctor turned to Ruth. "What do you think?" She asked. "I don't think she's ready to go home. I think she needs a transfusion..." I turned to the doctor. "Transfusion?" I asked curiously. "A blood transfusion, she lost way too much blood during the hemorrhage. That's why she keeps fainting..." she trailed off. My stomach turned as the doctor uncovered a clear bucket-like container that was next to the bed.

"This was the amount of blood we drained from her system..." I swallowed forcibly as I fought to keep my sandwich down. "It's 3 pints of blood. At the moment she's not fit to sign the consent for a transfusion so we're going to ask you to sign it..." I nodded as I glanced at her anxiously. "O-okay..." I agreed hesitantly as they went and prepared all the stuff.

After successfully completing the transfusion, her recuperation sped up remarkably. Within the hour she was talking and after two hours she was sitting up on her own. Her cousin came to visit with his girlfriend as well. Shortly after they took off, she was discharged. Effectively ending the longest 36 hours of my life.

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