Ch.9 Karaoke Pt.1

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"What a jerk, I don't know what she sees in him..." Gina muttered. I shrugged as I kept my eyes on the road. "I'm sorry dude, I know you were excited about picking up your crush. Now I'm going to be a third wheel..." My face nearly boiled over with embarrassment. "You knew?" I asked as I turned right at the light. She nodded. "Yeah girl, you're really obvious. I'm surprised he doesn't know..." she said as she shifted in the passenger seat. "It's okay dude, no biggie. You're my friend and you're not a bother in any way" I said with a smile.

"I think you're supposed to turn left here..." she said as she glanced at the directions on her phone. I swerved into the left lane thinking it was a turning lane. "Hannah, that's not a turning lane!" She shouted. I swerved back into my lane just an oncoming vehicle blared his horn and cussed at me as it sped by. My heart pounded in my chest as I arrived outside his house and turned on my emergency lights. "Concentrate girl! You're no good to him dead!" She chuckled as I took out my phone.

My hand was still trembling from the earlier scare. Shakily, I managed to press the call button. "Hannah?" He answered after the 2nd ring. "H-hey, we're outside!" I stammered nervously. "Okay, I'll be right out" he said quickly before hanging up. "Do you want me to sit in the back?" Gina asked softly. I shook my head anxiously. "N-no! I'm not ready for that yet!" I stammered as I watched him walk down the driveway. He wore some form-fitting, black jeans and a Marilyn Manson shirt. He had his hands stuffed into his leather jacket pockets. "Hey guys..." he said with a smile as he opened the door and slid into the back seat. "H-hey!" I waved nervously as I re-adjusted my mirror. "I got the directions!" Gina said as she held up her phone. "Okay, just tell me where to go..."

The ride to Little Tokyo was quiet, I was too nervous to say anything. My crush was sitting just inches away from me and it was muddling my thought process. Eventually after a 15-minute car ride, we arrived. We parked in the main parking structure just two floors from the top. After I turned off the car, we all slid out. My heart raced as Lewis walked over to the edge of the parking lot and glanced down at the floor below. I shuffled over to him awkwardly, my heart a fluttering mess. "I wonder how long it would take to hit the floor..." he trailed off as he slid the tip of his shoes under the railing. I staggered back dizzily, my vertigo kicking in. I was and still am terrified of heights.

"D-don't jump off..." I squeaked as I tugged on his leather jacket. "Why not?" He asked as he turned to me. His honey eyes seemed darker against the parking structure lights. "C-cuz then I'm going to have to go after you and I'd rather not die tonight..." I said anxiously as I stared at my boots. He chuckled lightly. "Your hair looks nice..." he complimented with a smile. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. "T-thanks, I straightened it..." I stammered shyly. "Looks good on you" he said just before turning around and following Gina down the parking lot stairs.

After we paid for the room and time, we all shuffled into the dark room together. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall and it had two Mics plugged into it. A large portfolio of songs laid on the glass coffee table that took up the center of the room. Gina sat on the far-left corner, followed by Alba and Wilmer. After Wilmer sat Henry from electronics, followed by me and Lewis in the corner.

We started from left to right. The rules stated that everyone had to sing at least once. It could be by yourself or a duet, but if it was a duet you had to sing twice to count for both of you. I sat on the rigid couch anxiously as I waited my turn. I flipped through the song book and found a couple I knew. Once you had your song ready, you had to input it into the queue and it would play automatically. I chose Viva La Vida by Coldplay.

"Here..." I said as I handed Lewis the book. He took it and flipped through it curiously. Eventually he typed in a number and inputted a song. "Your turn Hannah" Henry said as he handed me the Mic. My heart raced as the song began to play. "No way, I love this song! Do you mind if I sing with you?" Lewis asked as he took the second Mic. I shook my head quickly just as the lyrics began to scroll.

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