Ch.15 Movie

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   Lewis was leaning against my car, listening to music when I got out. A smile spread across his face when he saw me approach. "Ready?" He asked, his smile bright and crooked. "Yeah" I managed to reply as I fought with my fluttering heart. "Okay, so which theater?" I asked after I had buckled my seat-belt. "Let's go to Edward's, that's where I got the tickets" I nodded as I turned on the radio and pulled out of the parking lot.

We chatted amicably for the entire ride. Mostly about work and how crappy customer service jobs could be. He told me a little bit about the type of music he liked and about the shows he enjoyed watching. After a 20min ride, we pulled up to the theater parking structure. "Hm... we're still kind of early, want to walk around?" He asked as we got out of the car. "Sure, let's go to Curacao, I want to see if they have good headsets!" He nodded as we walked beside each other.

The Curacao next to Edward's was my favorite because it had two floors and the electronics section was expansive. They had all kinds of games and consoles. After looking around for the headset I wanted, I walked over to a couple of game guitars that were hooked up to a TV. "Find anything?" He asked as he walked over. I shook my head. "No, but I bet I can beat you in a round of Guitar Hero" I teased as I picked up the red guitar and draped the strap over my shoulder. "You're on!" He said as he picked up the neighboring guitar and we began to play.

"Aw come on, you weren't that bad ha-ha!" He chuckled as we exited the store. I pouted as I hung my head in shame. Lewis had kicked my ass. "It's about time to start heading over, let's go!" he said as he took my hand in his and led the way back to the theater. My heart pounded erratically against my chest plate as we made our way into the structure. After the lady tore our stubs, we stood in line to get some popcorn. "One large popcorn and one large drink" he said as he took out his card and paid.

I stared at the giant cup warily. "One cup, two people..." my face turned red when I realized we'd be sharing. "Drinking from the same cup...that's like an indirect kiss!" My mind raced as we walked towards the condiment stand. Lewis grabbed some napkins and a pair of straws. I relaxed, but got a bit sad when I realized I'd have my own straw. After we added butter to the popcorn, we made our way inside. I picked the middle seats in the middle row. "Great choice" Lewis whispered just as the previews started.

About 20mins into the movie, I realized I'd forgotten which straw was mine. My hands began to sweat as I stared at the straws. Discreetly, I waited until he took a sip, to figure out which was mine.

(A/n for the purposes of this chapter I will write the name as it's pronounced not how it's properly spelled. The name is Micah.)

I glanced at Lewis as he leaned in and whispered "5 bucks says Mee-ka dies at the end of this movie..." I nodded. "I think you're right, but it's Mike-aah, not Mee-ka..." I whispered back. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow as he turned back to me. "No, it's Mee-ka..." he whispered stubbornly. I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's Mike-aah" I whispered back seriously. I got so absorbed in our argument that I failed to notice how close our faces had gotten.

"Mee-kaa..." he whispered again, just inches from my face. "Mike-aah..." I whispered back as my eyes unwillingly landed on his lips. His bottom lip stuck out slightly compared to his top one. My mouth watered as I wondered what they'd taste like. My pulse accelerated as our noses touched. His skin seemed to glow against the light of the screen. "Mee-ka..." he trailed off his eyes half closed. "M-Mike-aah..." I managed to utter as his minty breath washed over me. My eyelids grew heavy as we both leaned in, closing the distance between each other's lips.

My Kmart Love (Based On True Events)Where stories live. Discover now