Ch. 4 Drawing

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A couple of days afterwards, I was sitting in the employee break room on my lunch, leafing through the store adverts when a familiar voice made me jump in place. "Hey what's up?" Lewis asked as he took off his lanyard and sat down with his cup of ramen. I coughed loudly as a French fry I had been munching on decided to swerve into my trachea. "Woah, you okay?" He chuckled as I reached for my fountain drink. "I almost died..." I wheezed as my coughing fit subsided.

"I can see that" he chuckled as he slurped up some noodles. My face turned red when I realized I had just choked on a fry in front of my crush. "So, what are you looking at?" He asked curiously after he swallowed. "Oh, I'm actually looking for a tablet for my daughter's birthday, but I'm not too sure which one to pick..." I trailed off as I slid him the page.

He glanced at it briefly before slurping up some more noodles. "You have a daughter?" he asked without tearing his eyes off the page. "Uh, yeah..." I trailed off as I picked up my phone and showed him the wallpaper. "Wow, how old is she?" he asked as he studied the picture. "She's 3. She's going to turn 4 in February..." I trailed off. My heart beat anxiously as I awaited his reaction. "Crap, what if me having a daughter freaks him out!?" my mind raced as he handed back my phone. "She's really cute, her dad must be really proud..." he muttered as he slurped some noodles. I shook my head. "He's not really in the picture..." I trailed off uncomfortably.

"Oh..." he trailed off. An awkward silence settled between us as he slurped some more of his soup. "Mm, get this one..." he pointed at the ad as he swallowed another mouthful. "Is it good?" I asked as I glanced at the picture. "Meh, it's just a standard cup of ramen..." he muttered with his mouth full. "I meant the tablet..." I retorted with a chuckle. His face flared red with embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry..." he apologized sheepishly as he flashed me a smile. His left incisor was a bit mounted and stuck out slightly. Heat rose to my cheeks as cupid's arrow pierced my heart and nearly knocked me off my chair. "Oh geez! His smile is so fucking adorable..." My mind raced as he finished his soup. "My girlfriend's daughter has one of those and it looks pretty good, I'm sure your daughter will like it too!" He said as he got up and threw his trash away. "He's got a girlfriend..." I thought to myself sadly as I glanced back down at the ad. My phone alarm went off just as he walked back over and sat next to me. "I got to go, my lunch is over..." I trailed off sadly as I picked up my trash and my lanyard. "Wait!" he said as he reached out and grabbed the plastic part of my name badge.

"I actually wanted to ask you something..." he trailed off as he let go. I looked at him curiously. "Have you heard of Full Metal Alchemist?" I nodded. "Yeah, I've watched both animes and read the manga. It's only one of the most amazing pieces of animation ever!" He smiled at my response. "Well, I was wondering if you'd be willing to make me a drawing? I really like your work, and I could pay you for it!" My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. "N-no! Don't be silly, I'd never ask you to pay..." I said nervously. "Soooo is that a yes?" He asked, a bit confused.

"Yeah, I'd love too!" I managed to stammer. "By when do you want it?" I asked as I draped the lanyard over my head. "Take your time" he said with another crooked smile. "O-okay then, I gotta, you know. Cuz if not, blehh!" I stammered as I pretended to choke myself with my lanyard. He nodded in approval just as I stumbled out of the cafeteria and down the steps to the sales floor.

That night, after bathing Allison and putting her to bed, I sat at the dining table with my sketchbook spread out. I already knew the drawing I wanted to make. I wanted to do a mash up of the two main characters' faces. After hours of researching on my phone and re-watching a few episodes, I decided I was ready to attempt it.

Gently, I set up my sumi-e ink pen. It was one of my most cherished possessions. It had been a graduation gift from my favorite art teacher. "Here goes nothing..." I said to myself as I pressed it against the paper and began. I finished until 3am that following morning, I had worked on it for 6 hours since 9pm. "I hope he likes it..." I trailed off sleepily just before laying my head down on the table and passing out for the night.

A/n (Full metal alchemist or FMA, is a popular, Japanese graphic novel and animated television series

Sumi-e Ink is a Japanese ink used for calligraphy and art.)

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