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Sometime after classes I find myself sitting in the student lounge in my favourite dark corner by the vending machine. Away from the center of the drama but just on the outskirts that I am still kept in the loop. A group of northsiders sit with some of the serpents from earlier. I notice straight away that the boy who winked at me earlier is a part of the group.

I barely listen in on the conversation more consumed in the classic book I'm reading, little women. But I get distracted when principal weatherbee storms into the room. "You guys. Yes you. Come with me," He orders in a stern voice. "Now!"

The group stand and follow the cross principle out of the room. I decide to follow at a small distance behind wanting to see what's got our principal in a twist.

Once out in the hallway I lean against a locker, crossing my arms. I see reggie and a group of bulldogs standing with their arms crossed staring daggers into the serpents. I look down at their feet to notice a bright green snake painted across the school logo. Oh shit.

Principal weatherbee points to the snake, "which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?"

No one answers. Soon reggie speaks, " this is what they do, principle weatherbee. They tag their turf." He exhales.

Reggie is rather transparent. I have known him for some time and I can read him like a book and for some reason I have a feeling this wasn't the serpents but it was part of the plan to get rid of the serpents once and for all.

I decided to speak up, for a reason unknown to me I want to stand up for the serpents as they are in the wrong, "my god. Reggie could you be anymore transparent?"
People stare at me as if I had just laid an egg. Normally they would expect me to be standing by reggies side not confronting him like this. I catch a few grateful looks from the group of serpents noting that the boy with the neck tattoo looks towards me smirking.

"Effective immediately, no gang behaviour of any kind will be tolerated in my school. As of this moment no more serpent jackets." Principal weatherbee announces calmly.

"What?" The boy with the tattoo on his neck calls out his body going stiff.

"You're kidding me." Jughead jones sighs.

"No more serpent jackets. All tattoos are to be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia will lead to immediate suspension," Principal weatherbee says "are we clear?"

The serpents let out a defeated sigh as reggie stands next to weatherbee all smug. I feel bad for the serpents. I assume there jackets are like a second skin. A badge of honour and now they have to remove their second skin for something they didn't do.


Once home at thistle house I storm up the stairs to my bedroom. Cheryl follows behind.

"Little sister, what's wrong?" Cheryl asks as I sit down on my bed crossing my arms.

"Were you apart of what reggie did to try and get the serpents kicked out?" I say as Cheryl sits down beside me.

"I knew about it yes but why are you upset about this?"

"I just think it's unfair. If your gonna get them kicked out do it honestly."

"Since when have you cared about being honest, sister?"
She says this with venom lacing her tone. The remark stings. I may have lied a lot in my past but I'm turning over a new leaf. I used to sneak out late at night and go out meeting up with Reggie who at the time was my boyfriend. I lied to both my siblings about my whereabouts and to them about my relationship with reggie knowing that my brother would disapprove of his sweet little sister being with some one as tainted as reggie.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore Cheryl." I snap anger flowing through my veins.

"Well you should get over it. Like I said this morning if we don't do something our school will become a drug haven."

My older sister gets up and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. I let out a frustrated sigh and tug at my hair.

I don't know where to stand. Of course I don't want our school to become consumed by drugs (more so than it already is) but I don't want to be part of something like what happened today.

Word count : 760

A/N sorry for the short chapter x

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