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"Claudius? is that you?" Penelope Blossom says putting down her book as she hears the door open. She stands up from her seat and goes out into the hall to see her eldest daughter standing there holding a candelabra drenched head to toe in blood.

"Do you knows whose blood this is mummy?" Cheryl blossom says. "This is Jason's blood. This is daddy's blood. And the next blood to be spilt will be yours."

The mother looks at her daughter in disgust and fear. "Cheryl dear god," she whispers."

"You've been in cahoots with daddy's twin." The bloody girl continues. "You tried to kill Nana Rose and then you shipped me and Amelia off to a ghoulish nunnery. But your depraved gambits are finished. If you so much as pluck Nana Rose's little head or hurt my dear sister again. I'll end you." Cheryl steps closer to her mother who looks over at her daughter in fear. A small smile appears on Cheryl's face. "I burned one house down, I'll happily burn another."

Cheryl moves the candle closer to her mothers face who moves away in fear, tears almost about to spill from her eyes.

"Nightmare child, what do you want from me?"

"I wanna be emancipated. Amelia too." Cheryl says as she stares deeply into her mothers frightened eyes. "I want thistlehouse all to myself,my sister and my nana. Start packing, mummy. You and uncle Claudius are pig-people and should love amongst the pigs."


There will be another chapter coming today this is not all.

So I'm almost coming to an end with this story as I'm reaching the end of season 2. I want to write another riverdale fan fiction but I have no ideas so if you have any you don't mind sharing please do so (I will credit you for the plot) or if you know any good plot shops that have riverdale plots let me know. Thanks :)

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