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I wake up the next day tangled in sweet pea's arms on the small sofa. I begin to play with one of the loose curls that hangs down over his face.

I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips. He lets out a satisfied hum and opens his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He says giving me a gentle squeeze.

"I think I have figured out why they call you sweet pea." I say.

"And whys that?"

"Isn't it obvious."

"Maybe to you it is."

I begin to unravel myself from sweet pea's arms but he just holds onto me tighter and buries his head into my neck.

"Sweet pea," I giggle. "I have to go to the toilet."

"No." He says, his breathe tickling my neck.

"Sweets I'm desperate." I groan still struggling to get free.

"Fine," he lets go of me and I roll onto the floor.

"Ow," I say frowning. Sweet pea lets out a hearty laugh and I roll my eyes at the boy before flicking him on the nose which causes him to laugh harder.

I get up and walk into the bathroom and do what I need to do before going out. I bump straight into sweet pea who was waiting for me outside. I come face to face with his chest. I step back slightly as he wraps his arms around me.

"You look amazing in my shirt," he says looking down at me. "Almost as good as you looked last night."

I blush at his comment and he lets out another laugh.

"Now if you don't mind princess but I need to use the throne." He says moving me aside.

"Ew, TMI sweet pea." I say as he shuts the door.

I go over into the kitchen and look around for something to eat. I find an unopened loaf of bread and some raspberry and strawberry jam. I remembered that sweet pea only likes raspberry jam but he knows I prefer strawberry so he must have gone out and brought me some. I smile and start to make some jam on toast.

"I see you found your little present." Sweet pea says wrapping his arms around me from behind. "It's not much but..."

"It's perfect, thank you sweet pea." I cut him off. I lean into him as I spread jam on the now toasted bread.

Sweet pea joins me at the coffee table as I eat my toast. My phone rings and I look at the caller ID.

"It's my sister." I say. I answer the phone and put it to my ear. Sweet pea pulls me onto his lap as I talk. "Hey Cheryl."

"Sister I've been worried. I didn't know where you were." Cheryl says over the phone.

"Oh I was at Toni's. I told you this." I say back.

Sweet pea begins to suck on my neck and I try and climb off his lap but he holds on to me tighter.

"Yes you said that but Toni is here with me now and she was with me last night she hasn't said anything about you staying at hers."

The news that Toni and Cheryl have been hanging out makes my mouth fall open. Just as it does sweet pea finds my sweet spot and I let out a groan.

"Sister?" Cheryl says.

"Sorry, I just bumped my toe."  I reply.

"As I was saying if you haven't been with Toni where have you been?"

"Kevin's." I lie badly.

"We both know that's not true Amelia because you would have not lied about that. I hope your not at a boys house. Oh dear god. The rumours are not true you haven't been hooking up with a serpent have you?" My sister snaps.

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