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The next day at school Cheryl drops me off and I walk over to my locker where Toni is waiting for me. On the lockers are dark circle posters a rip it off and screw it up before shoving it in my bag.

Toni and Cheryl share a quick sweet hello before Cheryl leaves us.

As soon as my older sister is gone Toni pulls out her phone.

"Did you see it?" She says tapping away on her phone.

"No," I reply

She holds her phone up and shows me a video. It's a video of fangs in Midge's dressing room.

"Wait, Fangs was the one sleeping with Midge" I ask.

"Looks like it" she answers. Toni looks up and spots Jughead she grabs my arm and drags me over to the beanie wearing boy.

"Jug, did you see it?"Toni shows him the video. "Fangs was dating Midge and forgot to tell Sheriff Keller"

"Where'd you get this video?" Jughead asks

"It was posted on the registers website" Toni answers "somebody leaked it"

"It makes fangs look guilty as sin" I say.

Principle weatherbee voice comes over the intercom and almost everyone looks up.  "Attention students this is principle weatherbee I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office"

"Where is he?" Jughead says staring to rush off. Me and Toni follow him.

"I don't know" me and Toni say at the same time.

"We have to find him before the dark circle does"Jughead says. My thoughts exactly.

We turn a corner and Jughead goes crashing into someone.

"What the hell?" Fangs says "the videos everywhere. How'd it get out?" Fangs is looking scared and very panicky.

"We have to get you out of here, alright" Jughead says gripping onto fangs shoulders.

"Your dead Vixen Killer" I hear Reggie's voice shout. I turn to see him and the dark circle rushing down the stairs.

"This way" Jughead says leading us in the opposite direction to the boys.

"Mr.Fogarty" the new sheriff says. In front of us stands sheriff Minetta and a couple of cops. "We need you to come with us."

"I didn't do anything" Fangs tells them. He turns around but gets stopped by Reggie.

Fangs makes a break for it though the police me but fails. They grab ahold of them and shove him against the wall.

A switch blade falls out from fangs' pocket. Shit. The sheriff looks down at it before he pushes fangs down to the floor and pulls his hands behind his back and cuffs him.

I stand watching feeling helpless.


We spend the evening after school at the whyte wrym. Sweet pea is angered, in fact we all are and there's nothing we can do. Jughead has told us he's handling it and that we need to 'lay low and not cause any trouble'. 

It's me, sweetpea, Toni and a few other teenage serpents who I've come to call my friends and we're just chatting and playing pool when an older serpent who I think is called Hog eye comes in shouting.

"Hey! Hey! Someone's slashed our tyres" he shouts over the noise.

Everyone looks up confused before filing out the bar to see a dumpster on fire and like he said the tyres to the bikes and cars belonging to the serpents slashed.

Sweet pea rushes over to Hog eye and me and Toni follow.

"Did you see who it was?" Sweetpea asks. Everyone is crowding round.

"Some dudes in letterman jackets and black hoods."

Me and Toni look at each other. The look on her face I come to know well and by it I know just like me she knows exactly who it was that slashed the tyres.

It was Reggie and his Dark Circle.


Cheryl comes and picks me up and drives me home to thistle house.

I go straight up to my bedroom and pull out my phone. I go to my contacts and click on Reggie.

"Hello," He says over the line.

"Seriously Reggie! Have you lost your mind" I shout "coming to the Southside and slashing people's tyres!"

"If your just gonna moan at me I'm gonna hang up," he says 

"No! No your not your gonna listen to me. Fangs did not kill Midge! And if you think that your going to be able to hold your own against a gang of serpents you are insane. You have most likely started a war"

"You think I'm scared of a bunch of snakes"

"You should be! So what your going to do is stand down. Your not going to come to the south side and do anymore vandalism. Your going to leave fangs the hell alone before you do something even more stupid!"

"Amelia you may think you have me wrapped around your finger like that thug you call a boyfriend but you wrong. I don't listen to you."

Reggie hangs up on me.

I huff and throw my phone down on my bed before sitting down on it and putting my head in my hands.

Reggie May have cheated on me and He may have anger issues but I still care for him. You can't get rid of roughly a years worth of romance. He's being reckless and stupid and something bad is going to happen.

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